ESC volunteering 2024
Permaculture volunteering opportunities in 2024 with Boodaville – the call is open for European Solidarity Corps volunteers!
Permaculture volunteering opportunities in 2024 with Boodaville – the call is open for European Solidarity Corps volunteers!
TERRA VERDE 3rd Edition May 2023! This post is a summary of the results of the Terra Verde project – a group of young people in Galicia, Spain organised an “EcoFeria” and much more ..
Vianna’s experience of a year volunteering for Boodaville Barcelona 2022; urban permaculture, eco-festival and more !
Apply for Boodaville Caseres Site Manager opportunity 2023
Living Permaculture volunteer Eirini shares her experience volunteering in Boodaville during the winter of 2021.
Living Permaculture volunteer Irene shares her experience volunteering in Boodaville during the summer of 2021.
During this youth exchange “Better than New” we invited the participants to have a look at all that’s wasted in our society and how to use these resources creatively.
Following Maranya Festival, an overview of the Raval Solidarity Project in 2021
Gloria and Maria share about their experience volunteering at Boodaville this summer. They were part of the European Solidarity Corps volunteering project “Living Permaculture”
In June 2021 Boodaville organized an Erasmus+ Youth Worker Training at Sanillés, in the Spanish Pyrenees. The “Living the Questions” training was about permaculture and “Designing Regenerative Cultures” including practical work and all sorts of non-formal education techniques.