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UPDATE: Terra Verde – Solidarity Project in Galicia

We were delighted to receive a message from Irene this morning sharing information about the third edition of the Ecofair they started with the Boodaville coordinated solidarity project in 2021. If you are in Galicia go and enjoy this wonderful, growing, permaculture based event. 

It’s so wonderful to have real examples of the impact of what we do.. complex dynamic systems are not that easy to measure!

We are a group of young people near Vigo in Galicia who are very aware of the eco-social crisis in which we find ourselves. We decided to create a collective and work to bring people closer to food sovereignty, to promote healthy and sustainable food and making an eco-sustainable living. We offered workshops, implemented ecological gardens, and most importantly organised a “Spring Eco-fair”. This project gave us the chance to develop social and business skills as well as being the beginning of the great project of our lives in and with the communities that surround us. Our project was aimed at people in exclusion or at risk of social exclusion, especially women and young people, while helping an empty and aged rural area to renew itself.

Activities we co-created:
  • Enero 2021 De-Eucalyptisation 

We organised two collective workdays that were open to anyone who was interested, and attended by all of our team, to take on some forestry management. We removed young invasive Eucalyptus trees to allow more space for autochthonous species, and formed mounds of branches to slow water run-off and encourage soil development. 

  • Febrero 2021

Construction of a greenhouse- the beginning of our vegetable garden

  • May 2021 – Spring Eco-Fair

This was our biggest (and most stressful) event. With just 6 of us working together, navigating COVID regulations and getting permissions from the town hall we managed to get hundreds of people together to share and learn. Our event was to encourage local circular economy, promote solidarity among the community and offer, completely free of charge, workshops in social and ecological topics. See the video to relive this wonderful day! 

  • June 2021 onwards

We have been offering a range of free workshops form different members of the team, and plan to continue these beyond the summer!

For more information about our recent activities please follow us on Facebook

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