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Living Permaculture Volunteer – Irene

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Motivation: A change of scene, to grow as a person and learn from myself and the environment, to help the environment by contributing knowledge and to improve as much as possible and above all learn from experience.

Expectations: To enjoy nature, learn about Permaculture and other forms of sustainable farming. 

Fears: Some situations which may be out of my control


My Experience in Boodaville

Hi, I’m from a place in La Mancha whose name I don’t want to remember; I came here by chance, I did not have in mind to volunteer. Although I have always been interested in social, community projects, self-management, sustainable living, environmentalism and others, I had never had the opportunity. And this opportunity appeared at a decisive moment for me, giving me the opportunity to develop both individually and collectively, to learn from myself and from others, putting into practice my already acquired knowledge and learning from others on many levels. Not only in the areas most directly linked to my volunteer project, such as Permaculture, crop association, soil regeneration, but also in a more personal area such as coexistence and communication. I have met wonderful people the months I have been here.

This volunteering has been different than I expected, but that does not make it less enriching, on the contrary, it was full of new nuances that make it unique.

It has given me the opportunity to share with people with ideas similar to mine and a great desire to do things that are unique.

I haven’t had time to get bored, between the expected and the unexpected.

Unlike perhaps other volunteers, due to the circumstances, here we have had the opportunity to experience real self-management and see how, little by little, with the collaboration of all, it advances. And as with good energy and desire everything is possible.

Boodaville is sprouting from her seed right now, being reborn again. And it makes me happy to be a part of that.

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