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Rovira Regenerativa

Do you want to regenerate the Vall Rovira in Aragon?

We do !!

The long-term vision is to offer community learning experiences in a rich green valley of biodiversity, where farmers employ regenerative agroforestry and syntropic agriculture techniques to produce healthy, abundant and varied produce, including a thriving vineyard.

Non-agricultural land is managed holistically to conserve and regenerate forest flora and fauna.

Each visitor has a deep experience, to connect with the beauty and abundance of the natural world and gain a real understanding about permaculture and ethical life design.

Activities are integrated and run by an active local community.

How can we strengthen and recreate food systems for greater soil fertility, with more diversity and resilience?

We are developing this regenerative cultures project and we are looking for partner organisations, financing, and enriching collaborations with motivated people.

Our Regenerative Member program is now open so you can sign up to join immersive learning activities throughout 2025!

More information about the long-term design

Contact us via this form if you would like to get involved