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ESC volunteering 2024

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(Scroll down to read about Boodaville Barcelona)


This is a placement for participants with a maximum age of 30 as it is funded by the European Solidarity Corps. We are looking for people who are highly motivated to learn and apply Permaculture, who are responsible and have an interest in nature and outdoor activities and education projects with young children. Applicants should have good communication skills and be ready to live in a small community. They should be prepared for quiet village life, and be ready to explore the area by bicycle.

We also invite participants with fewer opportunities.


For 24 hours a week volunteers will be at Boodaville Kindergarten, a developing family permaculture centre in the Matarranya region of Spain. Visitors learn about this permaculture education project applying, effective & sustainable design techniques in a place with challenging climate conditions.

Boodaville started in 2008 with the purchase of 1.5 hectares of olive terraces and pine forests in a stunning, tranquil location. Over the years, many people in an ever-growing international community have become involved and we’ve learned about, and applied, permaculture design during the development of the original site and the site of the new family project.

The long term goal is to create a working example of permaculture principles in action and create an eco-education centre with plenty of space for workshops and courses.

Volunteers will live in a fully-equipped caravan at the family project during the week, and have a room in rented accommodation in the small village of Caseres available for weekends and for 6 hours of online work related to the ESC program (youthpass diaries, writing up reports, organising and sharing dissemintion material).

Caseres is a rural village about 3 km from the demonstration site of Boodaville, and 6km from the family permaculture site. It is a small village of about 300 people located next to the Algars River where you can bathe.

See more about Caseres here :


The volunteer will have the role of assisting the Boodaville Kindergarten during the school time (from 9.00 to 15.00), and occasionally he/she will have the option to work in the permaculture project belonging to the school families, or the Boodaville Finca, nr Caseres – In which the main activities are Regenerative Agriculture and taking care of 4Ha of olives, almond trees and a vegetable garden. The permaculture and educational practice, meetings and other activities take place during 30 hours per week.

There are three main activities within the volunteer project:

1) Training in natural environment education, creating and developing activities focused on nature pedagogy and outdoor education.

2) Learn practical permaculture skills, communication, group cohesion, sharing ideas, facilitation and developing self-confidence.

3) Reflection work, write blog posts, post photos.


This European Solidarity Corps program is an opportunity to make something for you and for the world. All basic living expenses are covered as well as the expenses to travel to Caseres, and you receive monthly pocket money.

You will be living and learning ethical design, as well as experiencing life in a rural Spanish village. There are all sorts of possible day to day activities, please read the infopack for more information  and if you are eligible you can start the application process by filling in this form.


From the 10/01/2024 to the 10/07/2024




This is a placement for participants with a maximum age of 30 as it is funded by the European Solidarity Corps. We are looking for people who want to support our management of European Projects, who have a passion for social media, and are highly motivated to learn and apply Urban Permaculture. The ideal candidate is responsible and has an interest in ecosocial transition. Applicants should have good communication skills in Spanish as there will be networking and social media tasks. They should be prepared to come to the Poble Sec neighbourhood to work at least three days a week.


Volunteers will live in, or close to, Barcelona and will work in the Poble Sec neighbourhood to create regenerative projects. They will work in a variety of locations including co-working spaces, the offices of collaborating organisations, urban gardens and outdoor public spaces.


Volunteers will work on three two main tasks 1) Support with online work – mainly Instagram/Website/Project Management  2) Working in the neighbourhood implementing ecosocial design in the Poble Sec neighbourhood.

The volunteers will help Boodaville Association grow by engaging young people and sharing opportunities, both online, and in person in the neighbourhood.

Volunteers can choose independent work, or take part collaborating with exisiting groups. There are also opportunities to be involved with permaculure networks across the city and at a regional, national and international level.

Volunteers will work closely with Anna Louise Gurney the coordinator and Emma Riboli the mentor for this project.


This European Solidarity Corps project is an opportunity to engage in promoting ecosocial design with long-term effects in a city neighbourhood. All basic living expenses are covered as well as the expenses to travel to Barcelona, and you receive monthly pocket money.

You will be living and learning ethical design, as well as experiencing life in an urban neighbourhood. There are all sorts of possible day to day activities, please read the infopack for more information  and if you are eligible you can start the application process by filling in the google form.


From the 10/07/2024 to the 10/06/2024

Interviews for shortlisted applicants will be held via zoom with Anna Louise, project coordinator

1) Training in natural environment education, creating and developing activities
focused on nature pedagogy and outdoor education.

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!







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