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On Friday’s I write – a week in artichokes

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I am going slower than the Sagrada Familia. I can see the big central tower getting higher and higher. I notice it is June already, but I feel that I’m advancing so slowly with the next steps for Boodaville and Rovira Regenerativa.

I hope, and to be honest I trust, that the rich interactions and the winding complicated road is the correct one. At the same time I am aware that my “to do” list remains 50% not done this week.

As Kae Tempest says – The Line is Curve. I heard an interview with her on a Sean Keavney podcast this week (on headphones while the kids were awake in the back of the car! genius) she talked about being non-binary. I felt really sad when she used the phrase “it’s great that you are successfully male or female”. I’m sure she cringed too when she heard it back. It seems to me like that is the language we need to avoid and actually I’m not paticularly interested in her gender, and much much more interested in her thoughts on connection, humanity and not expecting that straight line towards your goals. I thought about writing her a letter, she’s awesome (one of my favourite people on the planet!).

My list this week included writing a memorial post for Jordi Cavaller i Badia our dome and rocket stove legend who died one year ago, writing up the amazing day we had at Boodaville planting and learning on 7th May, publishing the results of the Food Forest Survey from last year, and asking the volunteers to collect information this year (I did ask them for the info – TICK!), and many more office job tasks like dealing with accountants, volunteer contracts, administration for a solidarity project. 

I should also mention that I was at Boodaville for 4 days with both kids, with lots of river swimming, crying, having fun, feeling like I can’t cope, eating good food, eating awful food, worrying about Jo, being completely amazed and in love with Jo and Kira. The normal!

It may just be that the “to do” list was too long. 

Enjoy the photo of the abundance of artichokes in the food forest in May 2022!

Also – we are still selling tickets for Maranya Festival, we are almost certainly looking for a volunteer, under 30, resident outside of Spain from 1 Sept 2022 for 3.5 months (ignore the dates on the link!)

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0 thoughts on “On Friday’s I write – a week in artichokes”

  1. Don’t worry, my to do list is always 50% unaccomplished. Life gets in the way and other things get achieved instead, or not.

    Stunning artichokes by the way.

    So pleased that you enjoyed a good weekend (and more) at Boodaville.

    Looking forward to festival fun in a couple of weeks.
