The first time I spoke to Jordi was in 2016 when he agreed to design and build us a dome. Thanks to his passion and hard work we turned the idea into a reality in less than a year. He came back year after year to help us set up the dome each spring and to keep improving it. In November 2019 he led the group of volunteers when we dismantled it as part of our process to get everything legalised. The last time we spoke was in March 2021, he had been very sick and unable to walk, but felt that his health was improving. In that moment I felt that the universe would work it’s magic and that it would take the same time for Jordi to get his strength back, as it would take for us to have the permissions and be able to re-build the dome – with the new double layer cover we had been planning to give a waterproof cover and a more effective shade.
It wasn’t until many months after he died that I heard the news. His health deteriorated again from cancer.
During the years that we were friends and collaborators he also came and built our rocket stove, he made close friends with other Boodaville folk. He had a special place in his heart for Boodaville, and we loved him very very much.
I think we still have a notebook he left behind in the desk at Boodaville, and it may be the same notebook in which he drew a design for a dome house he wanted to build on the Boodaville site, integrated with the big rocks behind the house at Boodaville. We talked about this, and many other designs and plans.
When we can, and when we find someone with the expertise we need, we will re-build his dome, we will realise the designs we discussed together and we will always remember, respect and love him and his amazing contributions to our project.
Last week we went to visit his final resting place at L’Esquirol in Horta de Sant Joan and pay our respects.
Please feel free to write comments and memories of him to accompany this post.
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