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On Friday’s I write – Olives, Mince pies and regenerative ideas

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This week has been very close to “normal” or what I want normal to be. Apart from a minor stomach bug that had me in bed all day Sunday, and one night where Jo decided it was playtime from 3 – 4:30 am the rest of it was school, nursery, sleeping with short interruptions 2/3 times a night, and me able to work. On Tuesday I got a GOOD night’s sleep! The drilling has been light – except 8 – 11 am Monday morning. I did stay up until midnight preparing for today’s event though which may tip me over the edge later!

olive harvest and final days for 2022 volunteers at boodaville caseres

Elisa, Fran and Aurore are busy clearing up the house in the village and the Boodaville finca to leave everything organised and clean for the 2023 team who will start bit by bit from next week. Jessica has been getting loads of practical stuff done – supporting them in clearing up and sharing the vision of what tidy looks like! I am so grateful for her work this week – she’s revamping the van ready for use by the family next week – It’s clean and checked out by the mechanic. For a more beautiful task she tutored the volunteers in how to harvest and conserve olives. This year there are hardly any olives in general due to late frosts, intermittent flooding and droughts. We are harvesting from the adjacent land, which at the moment still belongs to Manuel. Boodaville has hopes to buy this land in 2024. 

felices fiestas from boodaville barcelona

Today we have our final event for the Barcelona project, we will share Mince Pies and Chai (I must go and start baking now!) and ideas for a regenerative festive period, as well as a summary of what the volunteers have done this year. Please take a look at the pictures where you’ll see the results of my homework! The original cut and paste, to use slightly less ink and paper, and practice what we preach by using leftovers creatively. 

I hope to be back next week, but if I don’t make it, Felices Fiestas to you all. I wish you peace, wintery days in nature, and warm hugs. 

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!







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