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Joy and opportunities (OFIW)

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I slept and dreamt that life was joy. 

I awoke and saw that life was service. 

I acted and behold, service was joy. 

– Rabindranath Tagore

I would say it depends on what you are in service to! I find it to be true when you’re in service to life, in all it’s forms; whether it be microbiology that creates the soil food web that has sustained food production for humans for thousands of years; or whether it’s the living world, promoting a rich biodiverse, interconnected, thriving, ecosystem; or whether it’s humans, and you are in service to create communities where people can thrive.

Thanks to Schumacher college for tweeting that quote yesterday, and Idles for having such a brilliant album title!

Leadership for Sustainability – changing the world one school at at time

This week’s image is a slide from a presentation I saw by Dr David Dixon, ex-head teacher. I have said on several platforms, most recently replying to a tweet by George Monbiot on education, that the ONE thing schools can bring in everywhere to improve education is creating a Sustainable (regenerative even!?) School. Even if they don’t implement, the thinking and learning involved in designing and trying to move in the right direction is what education in our world should be.I love the practical ideas he shares that can really give a vision of what can be done in schools. I emailed him – maybe we’ll collaborate as I move forward with Donut Economics projects in schools this year! “Getting your school in the Donut” is a more fun way of expressing “ecological design”! The beauty of the Donut model is that it is so holistic, it includes everything!*

*It probably doesn’t quite – I guess people are working away to improve it as I write.

boodaville caseres and balsas

We nearly did some earthworks this week, but Oscar couldn’t find a clear path to get to the almond terraces with his machine. We’ll try again in February. He was in the Vall Rovira working for Kate our neighbour and I believe that she paid him to properly fix the track where it crosses the bottom of the valley. We are very grateful!

Alex and Sara have been exploring local culture at the fiestas in Bot, working with Jordi at his farm, and organising and exploring the contents of the Boodaville cupboards.

boodaville barcelona

Things are getting moving, see the blog and our instagram channel. We will be setting up the “Ecosocial Info Point” on Fridays from 17h – 19h at the library Blai 34, Poble Sec, Barcelona every Friday from now on – see our instagram story “Ecosocial” for ideas and inspiration!

opportunities and activites coming up this year


18- 19  Feb : At Boodaville Finca we are going to plant 100 trees! 


12-13 March:

21 – 28 March : Youth Worker Training – “Leadership in Regenerative Education” We are looking for 4 youth workers, adults of any age, to go to Lagos, Portugal for this fully funded activity. 


6 April: Arrival of Klif, Boodaville Caseres volunteer

6 April: Opportunity for new site manager to start at Boodaville Caseres. Apply here


1 May : We are looking for an ESC volunteer from Europe (not Spain) to start an 8 month contract 1st May. (Under 30 yrs old) Apply here

5 – 12 May: Youth Exchange “Regeneration Camp” We are looking for 5 young people (under 30) from Spain to participate in this fully funded exchange in Lagos, Portugal.

16 – 22 May : Youth Exchange “Active Permaculture” at Mas Les Vinyes We are looking for 1 youth leader (any age from Spain) who is interested in being a key part of the organising team in this collaboration between Boodaville and Mas Les Vinyes. We are looking for 5 young people (under 30) from Spain who would like to participate in this fully funded activity in Catalunya.


Early June – Activity week with Klif and friends

26 June – 3 July: Youth Exchange “Inspired by Nature” at Sanilles, Pyrenees, Catalunya with Aline from La Casa Integral and Anna Louise from Boodaville. Save the date! We are applying for this exchange now, and will offer funded places to 1 Youth Leader (any age) and 6 participants (under 30)


1 Sept : We are looking for an ESC volunteer from Europe (not Spain) to start an 4 month contract 1st Sept. (Under 30 yrs old) Apply here

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!







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