Last week dear Rosa passed away. Rosa has been a key person for the Boodaville project for many years. She ran Biocaseres with her family. They grow many crops, all organic. They are also active in eco tourism with their amazing treasure the olive oil museum as well as educational walks in the area.
We got in touch with Rosa in 2018, when she offered Maja organic potatoes. Maja jumped in joy when she found out that someone was offering organic fruit, vegetables and eggs and very quickly became a dedicated customer. That’s how a relationship of mutual exchange of all you can imagine started benefitting both Boodaville and BioCaseres. Food, houses, medicinal plants, labor, knowledge…
When I first found out that Rosa was sick, I was shocked. Do you know there’s a list with people that are not allowed to die because they are too awesome to lose? Rosa was definitely on that list.
One winter I went to say goodbye before leaving Boodaville for winter. Rosa was in such a bad state and I cried driving out of Caseres, convinced that after winter she’d be gone.
But not Rosa. She was a rarely tough lady. I found her the next spring in front of her sewing machine, making beautiful things and she showed me the medicinal flowers she’d been harvesting. She was skinny and not well but back to her chatty self. She told me she had suffered a lot but felt better now. All good, winter is over.
Until this winter, when her sparking soul wasn’t enough anymore to keep her body going. She will be remembered with a smile and dearly missed.
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