Ondřej Šofr, 27 Jan 1989 – 28 Feb 2017
Posted on Mar 3, 2017
This post is the share the tragic news that Ondřej, OJ as most of you knew him, had an accident in the early hours of Tuesday morning and shortly afterwards died from his injuries. He was living in Tenerife over the winter, and was out at the Santa Cruz street party, dancing and enjoying himself. Without realising he crossed into a dangerous area to have more space to dance, and from there he fell. He was dancing when he died.
We are devastated and shocked beyond belief. OJ first came to Boodaville in May 2015 when we picked him up hitch-hiking, he joined us for the festival and then came back in October to help out with a course. He fell in love with Boodaville and came back in April 2016 and lived there until November. In our last conversation on Sunday he told me he had booked his flights to come back on the 1st April to live at Boodaville again, and he told me many times that he wanted to live there permanently. Boodaville was going to be his future.
Most of you will have met him at Boodaville, and saw him there in his favourite place. You know his beautiful smile, his playfulness, his relaxed attitude. We were friends, co-workers and he was like one of our family. In November he stayed in our house before heading south for winter and his relationship with our daughter Kira was very special, they brought each other much joy. He said many times that he wanted children of his own, to live and run free at Boodaville too.
With the gift of his time, his work, his dedication and with his drive to make Boodaville successful he has had a huge impact on the project, he played a vital role and his death has left a huge hole. I’m not sure how Boodaville moves on, or when, but I know that he would want more than anything that we continue, and we will find a way to carry on the activities this year.
Below are some comments and tributes, please add anything you would like to share in the comments section. More than anything our thoughts are with his mother Martina, and we want her to know about his life in the last year (she hasn’t seen him since June 2016 – he has a flight booked to see her on the 23rd March) and to hear from the many people who loved him.
Love, peace, let’s all look after each other.
At the begining when I first met OJ, I didn’t really understand why a young guy like OJ like to be in a kind of isolated place like Boodaville, after a while I understood, he was looking for a different approach to life, he was looking for experiences and the best things that happen at Boodaville are the people who get involved with the project, looking for a change or people who want something different, OJ was definitely one of those. To be honest I was a bit jealous of him he was doing what he wants, listening to his Czech rap (that I hate it), meeting nice people and have cold beer when he could without thinking much about anything else.
After being at Boodaville for 7 months he was at our house 2 weeks, resting for his new adventures around Spain, without knowing exactly what to do, but knowing than it will be good at this time at home he was very helpful, sometimes cooking for us, playing with Kira, planning his return to Boodaville with Anna and at night watching TV with me sometimes watching some crap and sometimes some good stuff without talking much but respecting each other, during this days I feel him like my young brother, after this 15 days with us, he left us and I had the chance to give him a big hug and say “hasta luego” and wish him luck…, at this point he told me that we should keep something of each other and he give me an iron spoon than his mother give him and he took a coconut wood spoon from the draw, a very special one for me too and he knows, so he told me to look after it and he will do the same with my spoon, I thought was something silly to do, but then I realize, the idea was to somehow think about each other, good one OJ! Thanks
He was a nice guy, looking for better life, without harming anyone, I’m happy that we find each other on this search, it is very sad what happens but at least he die in a way that he was trying to enjoy life.
I feel so sorry for his mother I can not truly believe how empty she must feel.
We will remember you! We will speak about you. Bernat
We spent 7 weeks with OJ at one of his favourite places, Boodaville.
Living as a close community, people came and left Boodaville, from our time the one constant was OJ. We shared food, stories, beer and workload – learning from each other and living like one family under the stars.
He brought energy, dynamism and spirit to daily living, not quite thinking, yet not dreaming – truly living in the moment.
We spoke at length about our lives, shared stories and experiences, music and movies, jokes and games (for better or worse).
OJ spoke with great fondness of his close friends from home and people he had hitchhiked and traveled with. We talked about family, Ondrej talked of his mother almost every day. He missed her deeply whilst on his adventures.
We sit shocked at what has happened, not quite able to comprehend how a soul so so full of life can be taken in a cruel twist of fate. OJ left an indelible mark on people he met and places he visited – you will be sorely missed brother.
We will sing again.
Na zdraví a dobrou noc.
Martin & Beth
When I think of Ondrej, I think of him with a mischievous smile, his beautiful eyes sparkling with the thought of a joke or a trick, or an idea for something fun.
He arrived at Boodaville by chance, hitchhiking through Spain, & became an important part of our community.
His enthusiasm, hunger for new experiences and knowledge, the gusto and joy with which he sang his songs, reminded me to fill my life with as much love and as many lovely people as I can. Ondrej was certainly one of those, I loved him for it and will miss him enormously.
‘Why not, ptakopysk?’ Be at peace my friend, until we meet again. r. X
I’d just like to say that although I didn’t know OJ very long, he was one of those people you have an instant connection with. He was one of the warmest, happiest, loveliest and most generous spirits I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was like a little Ray of sunshine floating around Boodaville. He was such an integral part of the project for me! He will always be there in spirit!!
And he gave THE BEST HUGS!!!!, Orla
But for sure, he had such a light soul and good intentions. Wonderful with a guitar, singing his Czech songs. Always willing to help. Creative with new inventions. He told me about an idea he had to fix the problem with the hostel’s toilet seats (they were not in balance, so when a man wanted to stand up peeing, the seat would always come down (which resulted in forever wet toilet seats, haha)). He would attach a hook to the ceramic part of the toilet, make a hole in the seat and in that way make it easy to hold the seat up. The hostel wasn’t ready for that kind of Boodaville-solutions though
And i loved him. Maja
I met Ondrej in August 2015, he’d just hitchhiked from the Czech Republic to Portugal and back to Spain, my first ever couchsurfer. We spent around 8 weeks together travelling from one end of the southern coast to the other every weekend to different places, camping in the hills, near reservoirs and visited Beneficio. He was chilled out, kind, practical and always up for adventure. Every minute spent in his company was pleasant. He enjoyed being social and was the life of the party with card games, a beer and singing Czech songs whilst playing the guitar. He brought life to my house and warmth to my heart right when I needed it. We talked often about the future, we had similar dreams and we relished in each others progress, he went on to spend time at Boodville which he loved and I’d started my own urban permaculture project. Through the months we egged each other on. Before he left I’d given him a key he was always welcome home whenever he wanted to come back. Last time I saw him he’d turned up unexpectedly one evening at my door, he was as happy as usual and spent his days on my couch planning his trip to Tenerife. He helped run a successful event at Veintidos and when it was time to leave we had the longest hug. I never could have imagined that it would be the last time I’d say goodbye to him. We wished each other luck and happiness. He was a shining beacon of hope and believed that everything was possible. Most of all he believed in people’s kindness. So to be kind and to live without regrets is the biggest tribute one could pay to Ondrej. You’ll always live on in my heart. Aimee
Dear Anna,
I am so sorry to hear about OJs deadly accident. I am sure he is now happily hanging out in the big great jam session in the sky, sipping whiskey with Johnny Cash and Kurt Cobain, My immediate thoughts after hearing the news were with you. I am glad you are doing the tribute, Boodaville was in many ways his place and he told me too about moving there, raising a family etc. I am sure he would want the love he put into the place to live on!
The photo I am sending you is of OJ and Marina, when he took us on a day trip to Lake Pena. It was a blessed day that I will never forget, Brio
He was certainly full of life and knew how to live it happily. We can all take a part of that so we can multiply it and he can live it through us. So much live can only expand. I’m taking some of his courage, to live the life I want as well, of his good heart, freedom and wildness. And every time I dance Im gonna do it for the two of us ** Marina
Last time I saw him, it was the end of season in Boodaville and it meant that this stage of his life was going to be over at least for 2016. It was the last night and we were all sitting in a closed circle having beers and we noticed he was starting to get emotional and Anna teased him as his eyes were starting to get wet.
I noticed that he felt embarrassed so I just whispered to his ear that getting emotional only meant that this time in Boodaville was so special for him and that the tears were honouring his time there and that instead of feeling embarrased he should feel proud and happy for having lived so much there.
He smiled. ** Carlos
Some people you close in your heart straight away. When I met OJ first he had just arrived at Boodaville, a permaculture site in development in the south of Catalunya. He picked me up from the bus stop in the nearest village. I was going to be there for a week to work on the land as a volunteer. He was there for the full season to manage things on site.
We were just a small group of people in the middle of nature, pruning trees and building walls during the day, spending our evenings next to the fire talking and reading until our feet were frozen and we went off to bed. OJ played the guitar most nights, we played card games and talked and laughed. He was a funny guy, easy to be with, he made you feel comfortable and at home. He wasn’t sure what direction to follow in his life but he seemed to enjoy it and we had good and serious conversations about it. I told him he had so much time ahead and it is wonderful if you can move through life doing different things to figure out where you want to be and with whom and what you want to do. How little did I know.
He was very much himself, always at ease, he loved being there, at this place where he had somehow coincidentally landed for a few days the year before during the Boodaville festival. It wasn’t the easiest place to be though, off the grid, away from cities and social life and he wondered if he would be able to stay there until October.
But when I came back for the closing event in October he was still there, very much in his element and full of stories. He had adopted an enormous cross-eyed cat and named him Obi Wan. He was dreaming about living on the land, maybe building himself a house, he wasn’t sure what would happen in winter but he wanted to come back next year and continue.
It breaks my heart that it won’t happen. There is some solace in the fact that I can see him in his last moments smiling and dancing, being happy. I always say that we have to stumble and fall and learn to fall better throughout our lives until our final fall, but his was far too early. There were so many things he still had to do, people he had to meet, mistakes he had to make, dreams he had to follow. There is some solace in the fact that so many people closed him in their hearts and he will be there forever but it doesn’t make up for the big loss.
It makes me sad that I won’t be able to get to know him better but I’m happy I had the chance to spend some time with him. I can only imagine how tough it must be for his family and close friends and I wish I could do more than just tell them that he was loved, that he made us laugh, that he taught us many things, that he touched our lives and that we will miss him. ** Monique
Even though our acquiantance was short, we met only for 11 days. During that time we created a bond and friendship. OJ, was a simple man, with simple but beautiful dreams. He told me so many stories of his travels/life, some of them truly inspiring. Even for a short period, we had some beautiful and meaningful sharings of our innerside. To know he wont be around, is very hard to accept. But the memory of your gentle, and caring energy i will keep it close to my heart. May your dreams of the world manifest through all of us, family and friends. So we Learn from your beautiful attitude towards life, Being Present and Flow with a Shiny smile. To Ondrej family, i send you my pray, hoping you find peace in your loss. Honour him, living up to your own truth, and shine it upon others.
Peace **Simao
I’m so said to hear this bad news… I have met Ondra in Thailand in Kanchanaburi for the first time and then we met again in Erawan National Park and we managed a meeting in Kanchanaburi again and spend one or two weeks together in Thailand, were hitch-hiking together from Ko Samui to Krabi and had a lot of adventures. Ondra was definitely one of the best people I have ever met in my life and will stay in my heart and in my mind forever. He was the epitome of goodness and joy of life. Stay in peace my friend and hope to see you again one day! :-(((( Kamil
Anna thank you for doing this for OJ and his family and its the least I can do to write a contribution.
I spent a very special week in Boodaville in october where OJ met me off the bus and introduced me to the land.We talked around the fire and he said he loved to travel but feels very content to stop and be in Boodaville. It was a deeply special place for us both and I had a feeling of family with him and the other volunteers.
We also talked about the Canary Islands as I spend a special two months there and highly recommended it for the winter and even thought we might meet there.
I was looking forward to coming back in the summer and expected to be greeted by OJs big smile..
The only music I have at the moment was given to me by Boodaville volunteer and everyday certain songs remind me of OJ and and my Boodaville family.That time lives in my heart every day and OJ was a huge part of it, I am so sad at this loss.
As I lost my mother last year I was processing a lot in Boodaville and OJ was exceptionally respectful of my sensitivity to things.This thread fill me with such inspiration on how to grieve positively remembering in detail OJ and all the beautiful images and moments.It teaches me to live more joyfully, to not give up and do it for OJ, my mother and all those not physically with us.Together we heal and create change we will be stronger and richer with this Boodaville community and OJs family we can only love more do more enjoy more.Hugs to everyone xxxxx **Aoife
Estoy completamente commocionada ! Hoy de madrugada aprendi esta noticia y no me lo podia creer, pensé que mi ingles era muy malo y que no habia entendido bien. Pensé que era una informacion relacionada con el bonito proyecto de Boodaville que le gustaba tanto à OJ.
Conocimos mi hija Jossya a Oj en Julio 2016, cuando estuvimos en una acampada familiar de 1 semana en Boodaville. Vivo en una gran ciudad Paris y me he encontrado a todo tipo de gente de varias nacionalidades pero OJ fué el primer ciudadano checo que conoci. Fué nuestro referente, nuestro cocinero, nuestro chofer, nuestro musico …. un chico sorprendente por su manera de pensar, de ser tan cuidadoso en las relaciones, y muy al tanto de los jovenes (mi hija tiene 14 años) y niños que pasaron por esa semana tan especial que nos dejo un recuerdo fantastico!!!
Terminamos la semana en el festival de Kurkuma bailando y disfrutandio como sabia hacerlo de manera tan simple y graciosa; no se me olvidara su esplendida sonrisa y su alegria de vivir! ** Louise
There are few people who truly relish the experiences that life has to offer the way that OJ did. He really did know how he wanted to live his life and was doing exactly that. For the time that I spent with him, he seemed truly happy and content. I think he really had found his paradise at Boodaville.
I wish I could hear one of his songs again. The sweetest memories were made under a blanket of stars, singing and talking with open hearts for hours and hours… and I’ll always have those.
So much love to everybody in OJ’s circle.
And to you OJ.
Never forget the eye contact! **Alice
Je to silná bolest!! Bolest která se nedá pochopit!! Je to nejlepší chlap na světě!! Nikdy jsem nepoznala lepšího!! Jeho smích, jeho vtipy…. Můj jediný brat!! Miluji ho nadevše!!! Pocit že ho neslyším, neuvidím…. Nepochopím to!! Nechápu to!! Lidi díky za to že jste ho poznali a strávili s ním nějaký čas! Protože jste dostali šanci poznat toho nejlepšího člověka na světě!!
google translate :
It is a strong pain !! Pain that can not understand !! It’s the best guy in the world !! I have never known better !! His laughter, his jokes …. My only brother !! I love him above all else !!! Feeling that he can not hear, I see …. I understand it !! I do not get it!! Folks, thanks for being you know him and spend some time with him! Because you’ve got the chance to see the best man in the world !! **Sisi
A tragic accident with no meaning….but his soul, engraved into the soil and stones of Boodaville. Live happily ever after OJ. **Frankie
Dear Anna,
Oh, I am so so sorry to hear about OJ. He was such a completely lovely and genuine guy. We had the best chats last year at Boodaville, by the sky ice bar, looking up at the stars, wondering what the hell was out there… I was really looking forward to seeing him again this year. I know he was a massive part of the Boodaville team and will be very much missed. My thoughts are with you all and of course with his family. He will always be remembered with that sparkle in his eye…
I hope you’re ok and staying strong.
And here’s to a good things ahead for Boodaville…
Lots of love
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