25th March
In his forthcoming book, Our Final Warning, Mark Lynas explains what is likely to happen to our food supply with every extra degree of global heating. He finds that extreme danger kicks in somewhere between 3C and 4C above pre-industrial levels. At this point, a series of interlocking impacts threatens to send food production into a death spiral. Outdoor temperatures become too high for humans to tolerate, making subsistence farming impossible across Africa and South Asia. Livestock die from heat stress. Temperatures start to exceed the lethal thresholds for crop plants across much of the world, and major food producing regions turn into dust bowls. Simultaneous global harvest failure – something that has never happened in the modern world – becomes highly likely.
In combination with a rising human population, and the loss of irrigation water, soil and pollinators, this could push the world into structural famine. Even today, when the world has a total food surplus, hundreds of millions are malnourished as a result of the unequal distribution of wealth and power. A food deficit could result in billions starving. Hoarding will happen, as it always has, at the global level, as powerful people snatch food from the mouths of the poor. Yet, even if every nation keeps its promises under the Paris agreement, which currently seems unlikely, global heating will amount to between 3C and 4C.
A fantastic summary of how to apply regenerative principles when making decisions. It is focused for organisations, but a great example of application of these ideas. We are all on a path towards regenerative cultures, and just starting with ideas from here that work is the way forward, don’t be overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once!
“As you begin to make decisions in your organizations and local communities please consider this as a guide to support decisions that will regenerate the potential in your teams, customers and communities. We need it now more than ever!”
Wildfires are ruinous – so how to stop them happening in the first place?
Indigenous people know this and have been regenerating forests using fire-stick farming for thousands of years, but much of that knowledge has been lost now.
the European Green Deal, commits at least 40% of the common agricultural policy budget to climate action.
Let’s Connect and Regenerate!