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Fermentation Workshop

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We did a workshop with Alessandro on the weekend of April 30, a workshop in which we learned how to ferment vegetables, to take advantage of them and not have economic losses, and this final product, which is water where a fruit of your choice has been fermented – It is always important that it be a seasonal fruit and vegetable, from the area, and without chemical treatments, placing it in a 3 Kg glass jar with a fruit of your choice; They were made of two types in this case, a jar with apple and another with orange, which will take a year; During the first month, every three days the fruit has to be opened and gently crushed, and after that month it is done once a month until completing a year. The jar is half filled with water and 3 parts of its capacity are the fruit, one part of whole cane sugar, which is dissolved first with the water and with your hand feeling how it dissolves little by little until no nothing remains, and a part of air and a part of good energy, because depending on the energy with which you are doing it, it will come out one way or another.

Then, Caterina, who is Alessandro’s partner, and is the one who gave us the course, accompanied by Alessandro, who make a great team. And it will be she who tells us how to use this product, which has various uses, such as dressings for infusions, salads, to reactivate sourdough, cleaning (the same use that is given to vinegar to clean, although in Spain it is It is true that there is no culture of vinegar to disinfect, and instead bleach is used) for the smell of shoes it also serves, to clean the floor, the table, throw it as an air freshener, it also purifies in that sense, and for our body when we take it as well as for plants, strengthening the immune system of our body. We can also make ecological soaps, detergents.

We also made a kind of fresh cheese; like the Italian Ricotta, based on raw almonds with skin. In this case, we liquefy the almonds with a little water, oil and salt, leaving them to soak for 24 hours. Then you can mix it with something that gives it aromas, we put chopped rosemary on it, although you can add whatever you want, for example, paprika, pepper, chocolate. The result will last for 3-4 days and the liquid it releases can be used for dressing.

We also made fermented honey based on finely chopped garlic. Which comes to ferment in 10 days, and can be used like honey, also providing an embiotic effect. In this case it must be honey that is not from the supermarket and pollen from flowers is also added to it, every two or three days it is mixed with something that is not made of metal because metal kills the probiotic.

Then we made other ferments with vegetables, cutting them very thin, because the finer they are cut, the more they will contribute. In this case they were beet, onion, pumpkin, ginger, cabbage and broccoli, garlic and young garlic, all in a bowl with a percentage of salt between 1.5 and 3%. Everything is mixed with the hands, feeling the vegetables and the mixture as it is created little by little, the elements becoming more united, paying attention and concentrating. With good energy. Wait 15 minutes and put them in glass jars, between 300 and 600 ml, compacting everything well, and leaving a finger of air.

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