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Management, mistakes, AI and gas installations (OFIW)

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Today is a messy day at the end of quite a messy week trying to manage people, organise an event, have Joanna at home for two days. 

More than two people, including me, are not happy with communication between the key players in our activities this week. I’m pretty sure there are still at least five people who are happy, but this mess is not how I want things to be. I ask many people for advice and receive many different answers and time and emotional energy are wafting around in the mess. 

It’s been distracting me from the task of the week which is to publish all the Boodaville opportunities we have for attending courses, exchanges, volunteering, working with us and more during 2023, which I’m going to continue working on in five minutes. 

Saving gas at boodaville caseres

The only picture I found from this week is attached to Alex’s question about how to complete the task I gave them to “stop heating the garage” which is what is happening at the moment, as the hot water pipes pass many metres along the wall before going upstairs. This is great communication which develops trust on both sides, firstly that they are following the job list we agreed on, and secondly that they are comfortable asking for help. I mean I can’t actually help, I have no real idea how to fix the insulation! but it feels like we’re doing it together. 

I have a lovely video of Sara adding organic matter to the tree cuttings we put in the ground in December. That will appear as an instagram reel soon @boodavillepermaculture but for Friday’s it’s just photos!

Artificial Intelligence

Chat GPT hasn’t completely passed me by. I loved this quote from John Oliver

“The problem with AI isn’t that it’s too intelligent, it’s that it is stupid in ways we can’t predict.”

I recommend the video, and encourage APROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY at all times. If AI writes your essays and project applications, the problem is the design of the system of education and the application process. Maybe tasks are being set that are not useful to the overall goal?

Enjoy reading about all our opportunities soon, and I hope you apply for something. Let’s see if I’m out of the mess next week!

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!







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