That was a little bit like an epidural.
I just transferred photos from my ex-phone to the computer for this blog post. The cable connection only works in exactly the right position with the perfect amount of pressure applied.
I had to hold completely still, with tension in my body, sweating with the knowledge that if I moved at all things could go wrong. It was a very long “about 1 minute” and ultimately successful! Unlike the actual epidural which gave me no pain relief at all.*
I’m going to be 46. This feels pretty old, my body feels clunkier (more yoga required), I’m feeling ready, and rather excited about moving past the childbearing phase of my life, and I’m doing a lot better than this time last year.
What got me most this morning though, was how the years are passing. Time is not linear and on a different day last year feels like yesterday, or an age ago, but there are only so many years in a lifetime. Are there enough? What makes them joyful?
I want to make a video, and tell a celebratory story. It won’t happen today but I hope it happens soon.
The song “Come Together” from Screamadelica played on the radio this morning and it brought me a beautiful feeling, dwelling on the connections in my life between this music and wonderful friendships and turning points.
It brought me a powerful vision that being alive is connecting with all that is living; the beauty and awe that we can find in the natural world.
I hold knowledge and wisdom and I understand that this passion for life, and the quest to find all there still is to enjoy, will lead me effortlessly to a place where my life is in service to all life, and that what I do, makes the world more alive.
So first step is to make a home-video to explain why I think Primal Scream should let us use their music to tell a story of connection, and convey this message to a lot of people. Second step is to make the video that conveys the visions and feelings above.
Primal Scream is exactly how I describe the sounds going on after the epidural didn’t work.
We have successful tree cuttings for the first time ever at the Boodaville Finca (Caseres). See photos below! This is a wonderful step forward for us and comes from the love and passion of Sara, and planting further down the valley on the more humid terrain ceded to us by Manuel. The cuttings in the ground received no irrigation and it hasn’t rained more than “4 gotas” since we had 100mm in 24 hours on 12th Nov 2022.
urban permaculture and workshops
I posted on facebook about all our ecological activities in the city this week, and Emma shared a post from the workshop in the community garden last week. There’s a lot of spring time energy, and some lovely people sharing energy and ideas.
– the passer-by who has an abundance of kitchen made compost to share with us
– two people who joined our activities and want to come back and get more involved
– Emma went with espigaladors (there’s a post coming about that) and met someone who is also in the community garden and wants to connect with us
upcoming opportunities
Please keep checking this post – – we are updating every week!
(*”walking” epidural)
Let’s Connect and Regenerate!