
#fridaysforfuture (On Friday’s I write)

We are the ARK / climate crisis

#fridaysforfuture (On Friday’s I write)

#fridaysforfuture - A few articles from this week about the climate crisis - remember that the Paris Agreement targets are to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths (among other things!). Plus two actions you can take this week.
don’t forget the crazy mess we’re in – but do make your life beautiful
the problem

These are just a things you might have seen this week:

About COP-21 and fossil fuels “Last hope over climate crisis requires end to coal, says Alok Sharma

Tracy Carty, climate policy adviser at Oxfam, said: “While the UK government’s climate commitments are world leading, it must now avoid looking like the emperor with no clothes. Appearing to support a new coalmine in Cumbria while talking about consigning coal to history sends completely the wrong signal. Supporting further oil and gas exploration in the North Sea also risk embarrassing the government in this crucial year.”

Also, you have to wonder how many last chances we have….

Sir David Attenborough: Problems that await greater than the epidemic

Sir David says the problems that await the world in the next five to 10 years because of climate change are greater than the coronavirus pandemic.

His comments come as he is named People’s Advocate for climate change ahead of the UN COP26 summit in Glasgow in November.

The meeting is viewed as crucial to keep global temperature rises below 2C. He will address world leaders at major international events over the next six months to put climate and the protection of nature at the top of their agenda.

the solutions

(Well some individual actions that will take you on the beautiful path)

We Are the Ark. Restoring your patch of the earth back to its true nature.
Weaving a patchwork of safe havens for Nature globally, in our gardens, schools, public spaces and beyond.
Here are some initial steps you can take right now in your own garden/yard/land to build an Ark! Visit our How To Build An Ark section for even more details for each step.
  1. Step 1. Give at least half of your garden or land back to nature. If not half, as much as you can manage. Try to grow as much of your own organic food as possible in the other half. Protect and guide your Ark to re-wild through natures natural processes and it will become a more and more complex ecosystem over time. All land is welcome, even a window box full of local soil that allows the native weed seeds to flourish and provide food and reproductive partners for the insects is great! It’s like a service station on a long long motorway in a desert for passing insect🙂
  2. Step 2. Put up a sign saying “THIS IS AN ARK – www.wearetheark.orgThis simple action removes the shame that people feel about having a messy garden, and replaces it with pride that you’re doing something important to help all the creatures we are supposed to share the planet with. The website is set up to explain to interested neighbours what is happening there on your Ark and why it is necessary.
  3. Step 3. Remove any non-native ‘Invasive plants’. This is difficult on a large scale but on our individual patches of earth, we can manage it easily enough by hand and through borrowed grazers or heavy sheet mulching. These plants do not move at 100MPH. There is NO place for chemicals in an ark, they cause many more problems than they solve and are very destructive to life on all levels.
  4. Step 4. Step in and provide any ecosystem services that we may need to provide due to the absence of the full circle of life. The aim is to create as many different habitats as possible in the land you have, habitats that would normally be created by keystone species which are missing from our island Arks. This develops as diverse an ecosystem as possible on your patch. If you have the space, consider creating multiple habitats such as an Ark meadow, a bare earth bank, piles of deadwood, a wildlife pond, a scrubby thorny thicket, a mature native woodland, a dry-stone wall etc.
  5. Step 5. Native plants are the foundation stone to any ecosystem. Arks are based on the native plants in your part of the world, wherever you may be. After careful observation of your Ark, if your soil is damaged or devoid of growth, the weed seed bank may be absent. In that case, sow an Ark meadow or a wildflower meadow to reboot the system and slowly introduce as many native plants as possible. Only use locally sourced native organic seeds, cuttings and plants (if possible) as these are vital genetic material for the local insect populations and have not been grown with poisons. Building your Ark involves careful mimicking of nature’s natural processes.
  6. Step 6. Make holes in your boundaries to allow wildlife to pass through. Learn to share your patches of this earth.
  7. Step 7. ARK Lighting. The blue and white toned lighting which is now in standard use, is one of the major factors in biodiversity collapse. Please aim for darkness or make sure all your ARK lights are red in tone (Doesn’t affect them nearly as much). Make sure the outdoor lights are motion sensor only so that they only come on for short times when you need them and allow darkness to prevail in between.
  8. Step 8. Get together with like-minded folk and approach your councils and home owners associations, your schools and university campuses and ask for support to turn more and more park and public land into Arks.
  9. Step 9. Please mark your Ark on our map of Arks so that we can eventually try and connect up the dots with wildlife corridors in our future vision for this movement.
(Illustration below by Ruth Evans Art)
    if you move carefully
    through the forest,
    like the ones
    in the old stories,
    who could cross
    a shimmering bed of leaves
    without a sound,
    you come to a place
    whose only task
    is to trouble you
    with tiny
    but frightening requests,
    conceived out of nowhere
    but in this place
    beginning to lead everywhere.
    Requests to stop what
    you are doing right now,
    to stop what you
    are becoming
    while you do it,
    that can make
    or unmake
    a life,
    that have patiently
    waited for you,
    that have no right
    to go away.
    by David Whyte
We are the Ark

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville

For Future’s Sake (this Friday someone else wrote about me)

Interview photo For Future's Sake

For Future’s Sake (this Friday someone else wrote about me)

Lou, founder of Boodaville shares some thoughts on the week and a published interview about Boodaville, Permaculture and being an active citizen in a declining world.

This morning I was reflecting on “Nature as our teacher” and made notes to put together a passionate informed post about being guided by nature, both for health and wellbeing AND for wisdom and knowledge. The ideas are complex and growing, so come back next week to see the finished article!

This week I will leave you with Beth Mark’s write up of an interview with me last week. Her online magazine For Future’s Sake shares hopeful stories about active citizens in a declining world. 

I’m feeling full of love for all the people who are engaging in active hope and making the world such a beautiful place, and for all the wonderful connections Boodaville has brought about.

Read the article here


I went to an office! La Botanica where I met the lovely Clarissa and worked next to baby avocado trees growing in glass jars, with long roots reaching down into the water. Find me there every Tuesday in March!

We are also looking in to abandoning Barcelona to go and live in a camper van in a few years (this may fall into the crazy ideas category). 

We finished the interview process for our new ESC volunteers (starting in April) and we have some wonderful candidates! We will make the selection next week.

We are still looking for young people in Poble Sec who would be interested in financial support for projects, or volunteering opportunities with our local projects. And we are one step closer to collaborating with Vidalia to run a Permaculture training there!

We still need an awesome accountant!!! Let us know if you are the person we need.

See you next Friday


Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville

Waves of crises.. (on fridays I write)

Cartoon, waves showing recession, climate change and biodiversity collapse

Waves of crises.. (on fridays I write)

Lou, founder of Boodaville, starts the year with a few huge topics, as well as personal reflections on life in Barcelona in 2021 and links to help us with the question "how can we solve the current crises?"

Happy New Year! Reality means this post starts with some sad news, but the links and ideas are to shed light on where we are and what we can do. The world continues to be amazing in millions of ways.

Waves of Crises

So here we are in 2021, and according to Owen Jones, things in Wuhan are much better than 2020 – which is what we were all hoping for. Sadly in most of the world, and definitely USA and UK, Covid is still out of control, and that is just one of our current crises. 

This cartoon of the waves of crisis was published over 6 months ago, and I’ve seen it in various presentations, and shared it myself before. I wonder if we would need to make the COVID one a bit bigger now…. We could also add a tiny little ripple at the front to represent “politics” and the Capitol Hill incident. On the grand scale of things I wouldn’t class someone who continues to act in the same way they did before as news. It’s attention seeking, again. And hopefully this won’t distract us from the real headline telling us that yesterday, in one day, over 4000 people died of COVID in the US.

Here’s a quote and a link about the climate change wave from this morning : 

“Covid lockdowns around the world may have caused a slight dip in emissions, but the CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere is still going up fast. Unless the global economic recovery from the nightmares of 2020 is a green one, the future of many millions of people around the world looks black indeed.”

Climate crisis: 2020 was joint hottest year ever recorded

I’m a big fan of Degrowth, and alternative economics, so the “recession” wave I like to see as an opportunity. The perfect time to introduce a universal basic income for example. Kate Raworth is a great read to go further into that crisis.

The biodiversity collapse wave is part of what I often refer to as “ecological collapse”. I’ve been trying to influence groups in which I work to always say “Climate change and Ecological Collpase” rather than just “Climate change” to help make this one clear. A wonderful book, to grasp that idea deeply is “Climate, A New Story” by Charles Eisenstein.

I wish my view of the world wasn’t considered so “weird”. I look at products on sale, some of which i buy 🙁, and think “Why aren’t you using ethical design in what you do?”
Everyone in every sector should be considering these things.
Mercadona have reduced the size of their disposable plastic biscuit package, and increased the net weight of the product inside from 300 to 360g. It will sound great when they say “we have reduced our plastic by 30%”. But if that 30% was entirely unnecessary in the first place, is this enough?

For a lighter look at all these ideas. I highly recommend the podcast “Jon Richardson and the Futurenauts” It is absolutely brilliant: easy, funny and useful. 

Life in Barcelona

Here in Barcelona we are still finishing the “fiestas”. The Kings came with their gifts for everyone two days ago. (Kira commented, “It’s good to ask the Kings for a much as possible because then we don’t spend our money and get poorer”. The values of the normal world are creeping in to her life even though Mummy always says that if we spend money on good things we get richer and create abundance! I speak truth to my child right? There’s enough content for an essay in here.. what lies do we let our children believe?)

The return to school, officially today, has been delayed until Monday. Unlike the absolute shambles in the UK (again), I think everyone will be going back, and staying there. I hold on to the thought that COVID numbers were going down for a while during last term.

We are currently confined to the district where we live – a sensible move as we wait to see where cases increase after our relative freedom over Christmas (we were allowed up to 10 people together, almost anywhere in Catalunya). We are still on a 10pm curfew, shops and restaurants have limited opening times. But I have to say that I fully understand the rules and apart from not travelling away from home our lives are.. well.. pretty normal. Some real positives to end this post:

  • Kira has learnt to ride her bike and loves it – so being confined in the city involves lots of enjoying Barcelona by bike which is GREAT!
  • I am reading Braiding Sweetgrass. A truly beautiful book to remind us to be present and in love with the amazing nature we have.
  • A friend from the UK messaged yesterday and said she was keeping her fingers crossed that we will all be able to attend a small festival together in August. and thinking about it… why not? Outdoor space, camping, and not that many people. Sounds like the perfect COVID friendly activity.. totally possible!
Cartoon, waves showing recession, climate change and biodiversity collapse

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville