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Swale digging, tree planting and grafting pistachios

Planting a fruit tree below the swale

Swale digging, tree planting and grafting pistachios

Last weekend we worked on the abandoned terrace project, digging a swale, planting trees and grafting pistachio branches onto "pistachia lentiscus".

I love the work we did last weekend.. implementing permaculture design with wonderful knowledgeable people and finishing all the tasks we planned.

Olive branches

The first job was sawing off the broken branches of the olive trees – many trees were damaged by a 60cm snowfall back in January. These branches were then used to make a fence along the far edge of the terrace we are working on. A barrier to keep the wild boar in the forest and not snuffling around our newly planted trees. 


We dug a swale along the lower half of the terrace which will fill with water run-off from the road. In the past we’ve had problems with these swales getting immediately full of mud and silt coming down with the water, so we dug a silt basin at the entrance to the swale. This silt basin will need to be emptied (dug out) fairly often – after almost every storm! But it means that water will get all the way to the end of the swale, and hopefully the swale itself won’t need to be dug out for a while.

The design for the whole terrace is two long swales reaching all the way across this terrace, with about 25-30 fruit trees in total.

This weekend we dug the first 5 metres of the swale and planted four fruit trees – 2 apple and 2 apricot. 

fig trees

We will take “suckers” from the fig trees and plant them on this terrace as another useful, and under appreciated fruit tree that grows abundantly in this area. We were going to dig them up and stick them in the ground, but on the advice of Nat from Flores de Vida, we have left them in water, with some of the bark stripped away, to grow some roots for a while. Some of the suckers we took were cut, and some were dug out with a small amount of root still attached. We will leave them, making sure they don’t get dry, for a month or so, then replant them near the apple and apricot trees.


Nick from Cova Fullola found 3 male and 3 female branches from Pistachio trees and we have taken around 20 female buds and 20 male buds and tied them to shady spots on branches of “pistachia lentiscus” trees that grow naturally and abundantly here. 

On the larger tree we pruned around the branches we grafted, but left most of the tree intact to provide shade. On the smaller tree, which had shade from a nearby olive, we took almost all the branches except the two that we were grafting. In each tree one branch is grafted with male buds, and one with female buds. 

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We got some serious work done at our Permaculture site this weekend!

Chiseling the wall down

We got some serious work done at our Permaculture site this weekend!

This weekend we got some serious work done - see our new dry stone wall and drain, the intervention in the food forest, the results of the olive harvest and the work we have to do to fix our green roof.

This weekend we were working with Nick Park from Cova Fullola to get a dry stone wall built between the two houses. Lou concentrated efforts on finishing the inside wall off the old house with lime mortar between the stones, working with mulch in the food forest, harvesting and sorting the olives and digging up the green roof so the builder can get in and fix it next week. The amazing Jessica was managing site to make sure we had energy, water and a rocket stove warm house to get us all through the weekend. Yes, these were 4 extremely productive days!

See what we did in the gallery!


Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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Maranya Festival 2019

Maranya Festival 2019

Maranya Festival 2019

The first edition of the Maranya Festival took place in May 2019 in Fuentespalda, Matarranya

Maranya Festival 2019!

Originally posted on Jun 13, 2019

After months of preparation and anticipation the Maranya festival finally took place! On may 24, 25 and 26th we experienced the Bioescuela, interesting workshops, rain, music and most of all had an amazing time! So for those who were there here are some photo’s and videos to relive, and for those who weren’t here are some photo’s to show you the fun side of permaculture!

A big thank you to all who made this Maranya Festival possible. Lets do it again next year!!  

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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