
For Future’s Sake (this Friday someone else wrote about me)

Interview photo For Future's Sake

For Future’s Sake (this Friday someone else wrote about me)

Lou, founder of Boodaville shares some thoughts on the week and a published interview about Boodaville, Permaculture and being an active citizen in a declining world.

This morning I was reflecting on “Nature as our teacher” and made notes to put together a passionate informed post about being guided by nature, both for health and wellbeing AND for wisdom and knowledge. The ideas are complex and growing, so come back next week to see the finished article!

This week I will leave you with Beth Mark’s write up of an interview with me last week. Her online magazine For Future’s Sake shares hopeful stories about active citizens in a declining world. 

I’m feeling full of love for all the people who are engaging in active hope and making the world such a beautiful place, and for all the wonderful connections Boodaville has brought about.

Read the article here


I went to an office! La Botanica where I met the lovely Clarissa and worked next to baby avocado trees growing in glass jars, with long roots reaching down into the water. Find me there every Tuesday in March!

We are also looking in to abandoning Barcelona to go and live in a camper van in a few years (this may fall into the crazy ideas category). 

We finished the interview process for our new ESC volunteers (starting in April) and we have some wonderful candidates! We will make the selection next week.

We are still looking for young people in Poble Sec who would be interested in financial support for projects, or volunteering opportunities with our local projects. And we are one step closer to collaborating with Vidalia to run a Permaculture training there!

We still need an awesome accountant!!! Let us know if you are the person we need.

See you next Friday


Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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