permaculture Rovira Regenerativa

The Food Forest

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-29 at 12.26.04 PM

The Food Forest

Updates from the Food Forest at Boodaville in October 2021

Updates from the food forest in October 2021 –

We made and scattered bicochar seed balls to give opportunity for support plants In our seed balls there was..
Fenogreek to fix Nitrogen
Altramuz to fix Nitrogen
Kale to bring up nutrients
Caléndula to attract insects
Nabo (raddish) to decompact soil

Chop and drop, we cut alfalfa to leave the N+ in the soil and organic matter decomposing to create more soil

Creation of compost, a pile of organic matter made of various layers alternating consecutively coal and nitrogen.

The charcoal is provided by the dry part (branches) and nitrogen different layers between green branches, organic matter and fertilizer in different proportions. To maintain it you have to water it with plenty of water, wait two days and turn around completely like this every other day, always controlling the temperature for 18 days, and the compost is ready !



Comments from 29 March: the compost didn’t work as

“Compost needs a very specific mix of c/n and lots of water to start. Maybe a lack of manure or fresh greens? I don’t know what went into it. Fast compost is good for bacterial things like annuals but trees do much better with slow composting as it is much more fungal. We do both hot and cold here for different uses” – Nick

“It was a try to use up material but definitely there wasn’t enough water in it..and probably not enough nitrogen neither” – Chris (compost creator!)

“I’ll bring some raw biochar which we can soak and put in it and alfalfa. Hopefully that gives it enough moisture and nitrogen to wake it up” – Nick

We will try and wake up the compost and do another intervention in the next few weeks! At least we managed to post the information from October 2021 before the Spring 2022 intervention – even if it’s 5 months late! – Anna

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We got some serious work done at our Permaculture site this weekend!

Chiseling the wall down

We got some serious work done at our Permaculture site this weekend!

This weekend we got some serious work done - see our new dry stone wall and drain, the intervention in the food forest, the results of the olive harvest and the work we have to do to fix our green roof.

This weekend we were working with Nick Park from Cova Fullola to get a dry stone wall built between the two houses. Lou concentrated efforts on finishing the inside wall off the old house with lime mortar between the stones, working with mulch in the food forest, harvesting and sorting the olives and digging up the green roof so the builder can get in and fix it next week. The amazing Jessica was managing site to make sure we had energy, water and a rocket stove warm house to get us all through the weekend. Yes, these were 4 extremely productive days!

See what we did in the gallery!


Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville