
COVID, confusion, death and complexity (On Friday’s I write)

Boris Johnson corruption

COVID, confusion, death and complexity (On Friday’s I write)

This week Lou, founder of Boodaville shares some thoughts on COVID, confusion and complexity : polarised views on censorship and conspiracies, bad management, and a return to the common theme of regenerative cultures - we should be living the questions, not exclaiming answers.

On Friday’s I write. The plan really is to do this every week, but sadly last Friday my computer broke. So here are some thoughts about the last two weeks in our world…

COVID Restrictions

For the first time I feel that there should be a more severe lockdown here in Barcelona. We have seen a spike in cases (up to 40 000 in a day) and this inevitably with absolute certainty will lead to a spike in deaths in a week. It is inevitable that health services will be pressured and the UK is a diabolical example of how to do it badly. So actually, yes, please close everything for two weeks to cut that off. 


Trump being banned from twitter brought all sorts of reactions, my favourite was Jonathan Pie, who usually loves to tout free speech.

It’s an interesting debate, but ultimately if there is someone in the room who is spouting shit, the grand majority of people will shut them down – if everyone has a voice. To what point is shutting people down, effectively giving other people a voice? Pie doesn’t dive straight in with “he shouldn’t have been banned”, and that is telling. 

Censorship around racism, violence, vaccines, all the way down to medicinal products in general – there is always the backdrop of capitalism. You have to balance the idea of shutting down hate speech and conspiracies, with the reality that there are always very powerful companies behind the scenes desperately seeking profit above all else. Are profits being put above health and environment with this censorship? (eg maybe La Dulce Revolución natural medicine site shut down in Spain?) or is this a situation where the censorship is shutting down outright lies, hate and gaslighting?


Obviously all this leads to confusion, as demonstrated in an incredible example by a permaculture colleague two weeks ago.

I received a forwarded whatsapp from them which was a message from the mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau. It was an unedited copy of the message posted on her public facebook page in which she talked about her personal experience and difficulty with a media that spreads misinformation, and social media platforms that spread lies and sexist insults. She gave a brief analysis on this widespread problem and ended with a call to people to check their information and take personal responsibility not to spread false information.

The very next message from this person was a shared video on whatsapp, not available on youtube, of an Irish doctor claiming COVID doesn’t exist.

How does anyone reach a point where they hold both these beliefs? it is a very confusing world. 

I know that our friend’s father died of COVID yesterday. I see the devastating numbers in the UK. I cannot fathom that Boris Johnson would even consider saying that the pandemic has been managed well there. But I am still asking questions, and that is where we all need to be.. asking questions that take us in the direction of a better world. There are way more than two sides to every story.

What can you do to promote love and compassion? How can you avoid creating division and hate?


When people wonder how to react with the impending crises of climate breakdown and ecological collapse, they often think about what they can do. I have been reading more and more that focuses on the “why?”. The real question is why do you want to avoid further collapse? and the answers are incredibly beautiful. 

Here is a quote from Daniel Wahl’s book, and I follow this with a quote and a recommendation for an amazing book, Braiding Sweetgrass, described as “A hymn of love to the world” which I highly recommend.

“The why defines the how in an action-oriented way. In a nutshell, why offers a purpose, cause, or belief; how expresses the values that guide our actions.” (Designing Regenerative Cultures)

“I don’t have the power to dismantle Monsanto. But what I do have is the capacity to change how I live on a daily basis and how I think about the world. I just have to have faith that when we change how we think, we suddenly change how we act and how those around us act, and that’s how the world changes. It’s by changing hearts and changing minds. And it’s contagious. I became an environmental scientist and a writer because of what I witnessed growing up within a world of gratitude and gifts.” Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of “Braiding Sweetgrass

This weeks crazy ideas and new stuff

I am going to keep this section because the universe is amazing, and after expressing the idea to start a podcast last time, an old friend contacted me directly to offer practical help in making that happen. You have to throw these things out there! and I’ll keep you up to date on any podcast progress. One crazy idea this week is to completely drop off whatsapp and facebook – if that’s even possible. Plus me and Vianna started a Boodaville communications folder. Our to do list looks like this :

Social Media Strategy

– Make one.

So fairly soon we may be calling out to consult with someone who knows, and really actually knows, how to be effective on social media.

We also had a long Rovira Regenerativa meeting and realised that there are a few key project management roles that need to be filled. For now you can find out more about that project on instagram (@roviraregenerativa) and soon we’ll publish a webpage. 

See more blog posts “On Fridays I write” here:

In Barcelona

Waves of crises

and please feel free to leave a comment!

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville

Waves of crises.. (on fridays I write)

Cartoon, waves showing recession, climate change and biodiversity collapse

Waves of crises.. (on fridays I write)

Lou, founder of Boodaville, starts the year with a few huge topics, as well as personal reflections on life in Barcelona in 2021 and links to help us with the question "how can we solve the current crises?"

Happy New Year! Reality means this post starts with some sad news, but the links and ideas are to shed light on where we are and what we can do. The world continues to be amazing in millions of ways.

Waves of Crises

So here we are in 2021, and according to Owen Jones, things in Wuhan are much better than 2020 – which is what we were all hoping for. Sadly in most of the world, and definitely USA and UK, Covid is still out of control, and that is just one of our current crises. 

This cartoon of the waves of crisis was published over 6 months ago, and I’ve seen it in various presentations, and shared it myself before. I wonder if we would need to make the COVID one a bit bigger now…. We could also add a tiny little ripple at the front to represent “politics” and the Capitol Hill incident. On the grand scale of things I wouldn’t class someone who continues to act in the same way they did before as news. It’s attention seeking, again. And hopefully this won’t distract us from the real headline telling us that yesterday, in one day, over 4000 people died of COVID in the US.

Here’s a quote and a link about the climate change wave from this morning : 

“Covid lockdowns around the world may have caused a slight dip in emissions, but the CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere is still going up fast. Unless the global economic recovery from the nightmares of 2020 is a green one, the future of many millions of people around the world looks black indeed.”

Climate crisis: 2020 was joint hottest year ever recorded

I’m a big fan of Degrowth, and alternative economics, so the “recession” wave I like to see as an opportunity. The perfect time to introduce a universal basic income for example. Kate Raworth is a great read to go further into that crisis.

The biodiversity collapse wave is part of what I often refer to as “ecological collapse”. I’ve been trying to influence groups in which I work to always say “Climate change and Ecological Collpase” rather than just “Climate change” to help make this one clear. A wonderful book, to grasp that idea deeply is “Climate, A New Story” by Charles Eisenstein.

I wish my view of the world wasn’t considered so “weird”. I look at products on sale, some of which i buy 🙁, and think “Why aren’t you using ethical design in what you do?”
Everyone in every sector should be considering these things.
Mercadona have reduced the size of their disposable plastic biscuit package, and increased the net weight of the product inside from 300 to 360g. It will sound great when they say “we have reduced our plastic by 30%”. But if that 30% was entirely unnecessary in the first place, is this enough?

For a lighter look at all these ideas. I highly recommend the podcast “Jon Richardson and the Futurenauts” It is absolutely brilliant: easy, funny and useful. 

Life in Barcelona

Here in Barcelona we are still finishing the “fiestas”. The Kings came with their gifts for everyone two days ago. (Kira commented, “It’s good to ask the Kings for a much as possible because then we don’t spend our money and get poorer”. The values of the normal world are creeping in to her life even though Mummy always says that if we spend money on good things we get richer and create abundance! I speak truth to my child right? There’s enough content for an essay in here.. what lies do we let our children believe?)

The return to school, officially today, has been delayed until Monday. Unlike the absolute shambles in the UK (again), I think everyone will be going back, and staying there. I hold on to the thought that COVID numbers were going down for a while during last term.

We are currently confined to the district where we live – a sensible move as we wait to see where cases increase after our relative freedom over Christmas (we were allowed up to 10 people together, almost anywhere in Catalunya). We are still on a 10pm curfew, shops and restaurants have limited opening times. But I have to say that I fully understand the rules and apart from not travelling away from home our lives are.. well.. pretty normal. Some real positives to end this post:

  • Kira has learnt to ride her bike and loves it – so being confined in the city involves lots of enjoying Barcelona by bike which is GREAT!
  • I am reading Braiding Sweetgrass. A truly beautiful book to remind us to be present and in love with the amazing nature we have.
  • A friend from the UK messaged yesterday and said she was keeping her fingers crossed that we will all be able to attend a small festival together in August. and thinking about it… why not? Outdoor space, camping, and not that many people. Sounds like the perfect COVID friendly activity.. totally possible!
Cartoon, waves showing recession, climate change and biodiversity collapse

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Boodaville