Anna, Kira and Jo at Caseres

On Friday’s I write.. I’m back, now with 8 month old baby Jo

Anna Louise, founder of Boodaville, returns to writing regular posts on Fridays about life, permaculture and ecological design. This weeks post is a special one...

Good morning! It’s Friday, I woke up 4 times in the night to breastfeed Jo, and this is day 5 of our baby being in childcare. So for the first time in 8 months I find myself with time to return to regular writing..

It’s my birthday on Sunday, and I turn 45. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of my father’s death and the two grandchildren here in Barcelona that he has never met are 8 years old, and 8 months old. This year has been the biggest and craziest rollercoaster of my life. There have been more tears and challenges than ever before, and plenty of moments where I wonder if I am completely losing the plot. At the same time, or at least fluctuating hour by hour, there has been so much joy, and moments where I feel empowered to bring up two amazing human beings AND continue the journey of my life’s work with the Boodaville project. The greatest challenge and adventure lies ahead now that things are slightly more settled.. How do I design a future for my family that integrates their wellbeing and education with the work I want to do promoting ecological design and living a permaculture life? I’ll keep sharing on Fridays how that goes, as well as resources, quotes, reflections and stories about the beauty of the ecosystems we are part of and how we might regenerate them. 

I would like to ask you for a little gift for my birthday, just a few minutes of the most valuable thing there is; your time and your attention. This is also a gift for you; pause, and move slowly for just a few minutes. I invite you to zone out from the mundane, take deep breath, or several, and maybe slowly stretch your neck and notice the position of your shoulders. Gratitude is one of the healthiest habits there is. Would you think about something that you are grateful for? and now something related to the connection you have with me that you find beautiful, or meaningful? Let your mind wander back through time, delve into some memories we share, and remember. Then write me a birthday message? Either here in the comments, or anyhow you like. My life at 45 is so surprising, so complex, and rather messy but I know with all the amazing people and life around me the dance will continue and the ecosystems will flourish. Thank you

6 replies on “On Friday’s I write.. I’m back, now with 8 month old baby Jo”

Happy Be-Day!! Birth and Boodaville both deserve celebrating for sure! I’m grateful that our paths have crossed, back in 2015, and I’ve learnt so much from your approach over the years. Small and Slow Solutions go a looooong way! And your vision being so clear, your projects all interconnecting, your education amazingly coherent, your expertise in the grant work so valuable and your passion for Regenerating Life around you unabated. Thank you for being an inspiration to me.

Happy birthday Lou! Although it’s quite a few years since I’ve been, I remember Boodaville as a beautiful, peaceful place – I bet it looks very different after all the work you’ve done, but I’m sure it’s still a wonderful oasis x

Anna!! Happy birthday. I am so happy that I met you in Maranya festival the first time. Some years have passed now and both our life changed pretty radically. I remember that when I met you I immediately felt a great curiosity for this strong woman that I had in front of me. A woman with a story and a message to share. I am very grateful that our path crossed and that we manage to become friend and neighbors. Last summer was really amazing to have the opportunity to come to your school in la Cerdaña and I had such a wonderful time and I really felt that we build a bond. I wish you a year full of changes, I think you really need some, and to find a new equilibrium in your life with your family and your job! Your are a wonderful and inspiring person! Love Love Love

Happy B-Earthday day, dear Anna!
I am grateful for so many beautiful places, moments, living soil, thriving plants, river swims, mountain hikes, meandering, freshly harvested peas….and all the living pioneers who bravely, courageously and vulnerable put themselves in the places where other species aren’t yet able to thrive; those who create the conditions for a gentler way, for a softer world, for balance to return.
I see you as one of those courageous, vital pioneers, bravely committing to do the things that are meaningful, to act, to embody, who talks and walks the talk!
I love you for your integrity, for your commitment, for your ability to “respond creatively and positively to change”, for your willingness to take risks, make mistakes, receive feedback and support others to learn and thrive.
I miss the laughter through the tears; The shared joy we both feel to see soil come back to life; the shared knowing that our Earth is sacred; a collaboration that feels meaningful and supportive.
I love you because you wrote this post, and because you aren’t afraid to say when things get hard… I admire how much you are able to manage, and how diverse your skill set is, how willing you are to learn.

You are a unique type of human, with a heart that holds the world (and 2 beautiful daughters!)

May you find a way to balance and honour all the aspects of your precious life! May you have Earth under your feet, clear sky overhead, flowing water and warm friendships wherever you are.

So glad you were born!

Oh Booda, you’ve moved me to tears, I have to say. You are so right to take a moment to pause and reflect on what we feel grateful for. We get so caught up in the day to day, ticking off the job lists, running from one place to another and not stopping to reflect.
I personally am so grateful for a multitude of things; I feel incredibly lucky to have my family, a house, a job, a garden full of foxgloves and snap dragons, a hairy golden retriever – who’s love is unconditional, 44 years worth of friends … You being one of them! And of course good health, after having faced cancer and come out the other end, I have definitely a renewed sense of appreciating the little things in life and making the most of surrounding myself with inspiring and positive people. That’s where you come in Booda 💖. We met at primary school back in about 1983?? Is that right? 🤣 Is that 39 years ago!?
I remember leaving Overthorpe school together and heading out to Headington. We have always shared best friends too, Susie B and of course the lovely Jane M 🥰. Camping holidays together, parties in Oxford and recently spending a wonderful time in Barcelona with you, Bernat and Kira. I can’t wait to meet your little Jo, if she’s anything like her mum, she’ll be an amazing woman too!
Here’s to you, your Dad would have been immensely proud of everything you’ve achieved and who you are.
Happy Birthday Booda 💐🌟❤️

Sweet Anna, happiest of birthdays to you! I have been thrilled to watch your project grow since I left Spain. I frequently think about how you started with just an idea and vision, and I have smiled so many times as I have watched your vision become a reality over the years. Whenever I do watch one of your videos or read a post, I can’t help but to think of the time you and I spent the weekend on the land when you first bought it…we went to some local event and I got completely trashed! I remember waking up in the tent with a lizard in my sleeping bag. God I was feeling like shite. 😂 Idk if you remember any of this, but these memories always make me smile. You’ve done some awesome work, and I am very proud of you. Hoping to see the land again, looking forward to hugging you again…and meeting your kids!! Much love xoxo

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