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Salida Etnobotánica por Montjuic

(Versión en CAT debajo)

Hola, soy Saül, voluntario para el CSE (Cuerpo de Solidaridad Europeo) con Boodaville en Poble-Sec, un pequeño barrio de Barcelona que se hace enorme si contamos la montaña que abraza, el monte de los judíos, Montjuic. 

A lo largo de este año podréis saber más sobre mi experiencia con la asociación y las diferentes actividades que hagamos, pero hoy os vengo a compartir la primera salida etnobotánica que hemos organizado en el barrio: 


Justo entrado el verano, pero ya con mucho calor, como es cada vez más habitual en el clima de Barcelona, subimos caminando a la sombra por una de las estrechas calles de Poble-Sec. Hemos formado el grupo en la biblioteca de Francesc Boix, así nombrada por el fotógrafo de Mauthausen. Una docena de vecinas vamos siguiendo a Pau, cofundador de la asociación l’Urpa i facilitador de la salida.

A lo largo del recorrido, que podéis ver en este enlace, vamos aprendiendo sobre diferentes especies y sus propiedades. La mayoría de ellas, exóticas, i unas cuantas pertenecientes a la lista de invasoras, cosa lógica teniendo en cuenta que Montjuic estaba lleno de jardines particulares. 

Pau nos habla sobre la enfermedad que casi acabó con la población de olmos europeos, mientras observamos uno de Siberia, con sus futuros descendientes rodeándolo. Olemos las hojas del ailanto, muy extendido por Barcelona, que recuerdan a frutos secos tostados. Tardamos poco en descubrir que entre los participantes nos acompaña un jardinero de Parcs i Jardins de Barcelona, que enriquece considerablemente la salida con todo lo que nos explica. ¿Sabíais que en nuestro clima la caña común no puede producir semillas i se extiende únicamente por el suelo?

Delante de la parada del funicular descubrimos el baladre, de enorme toxicidad, aprendiendo algunas leyendas al respecto. Seguiremos por los jardines de Joan Brossa dónde encontraremos una cantidad enorme de especies e incluso podremos llegar degustar algunas moras. No tuvimos tanta suerte con el madroño, que aún no había ni sacado flor, tal vez para la próxima salida. 

Podéis consultar el recorrido, así como las plantas que nos encontramos, en este enlace. 

¡Hasta la próxima!


Saül Corral




Hola, soc en Saül, voluntari per el CSE (Cos de Solidaritat Europeu) amb Boodaville a Poble-Sec, un petit barri de Barcelona que és fa enorme si hi comptem la muntanya que abraça, el mont dels jueus, Montjuïc.

Al llarg d’aquest any podreu saber més sobre la meva experiència amb l’associació i les diferents activitats que fem, però avui us vinc a compartir la primera sortida etnobotànica que hem organitzat al barri:


Tot just entrat l’estiu, però ja amb molta calor, com és cada cop més habitual en el clima de Barcelona, pugem caminant a l’ombra per un dels estrets carrers de Poble-Sec. Hem format el grup a la biblioteca Francesc Boix, així anomenada pel fotògraf de Mauthausen. Una dotzena de veïnes anem seguint a en Pau, cofundador de l’associació l’Urpa i facilitador de la sortida.

Al llarg del recorregut, que podeu veure en aquest enllaç, anem aprenent sobre diferents especies i les seves propietats. La majoria d’elles, exòtiques, i unes quantes pertanyents a la llista d’invasores, lògic tenint en compte que Montjuic estava ple de jardins particulars.

En Pau ens parla sobre la malaltia que quasi va acabar amb la població d’oms europeus, mentre n’observem un de Sibèria, amb els seus futurs descendents envoltant-lo. Olorem les fulles de l’ailant, molt estès per tota Barcelona, que recorden a fruits secs torrats. Triguem poc en descobrir que entre els participants ens acompanya un jardiner de Parcs i Jardins de Barcelona, que enriqueix considerablement la sortida amb tot el que ens explica. Sabíeu que en el nostre clima la canya de Sant Joan no pot produir llavors i s’estén només pel terra?

Davant de la parada del funicular descobrim el baladre, d’enorme toxicitat, aprenent algunes llegendes al respecte. Seguirem pels jardins Joan Brossa on trobarem una quantitat gegantina d’espècies i fins i tot podrem arribar a degustar algunes mores, no vam tenir tanta sort amb l’arboç, que encara no havia ni tret flor, potser per a la propera sortida.

Podeu consultar el recorregut, així com les plantes que ens vam trobar, en aquest enllaç.

Fins la propera!


Saül Corral

¡Conectemos y regeneremos!

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El viernes escribo, ¡ahora desde Caseres!

I’m writing from my new office, in a bedroom I share with my two daughters in the volunteer accommodation in Caseres! We are pretty much settled in and it’s been a busy and productive week getting to know the new babysitter, clearing out the garage, making a washing line, and just feeding everyone 3 or 4 times a day is soooo time consuming. I haven’t even been to the Boodaville site yet because I knew it would be an effort “landing” in Caseres. Next week I’ll be there for a couple of hours each morning. We haven’t been to the river spot in the photo yet either – actually that will be a bit complicated because it’s a 15 min walk on a dirt road and it’s HOT. We’ve been to the pool a few times though. 

projects and plans 2023

This week we heard that the Youth Worker Training we were planning with Alfred Decker is denied funding. This is a blow for the association income this year and makes me wonder if we should go for the Erasmus+ accreditation to have guaranteed funding for these exchanges.

I spoke to Laura about 2023/24 yesterday and it looks likely she won’t stay next year which gives me the green light to start doing proper recruitment for someone to commit to be site manager and mentor to the volunteers starting January 2023. It will still legally be a volunteer contract, with expenses and “other living costs” reimbursed, and the first step for anyone interested is to go and stay with Laura for a week anytime from now onwards!

I’m moving forward with accounting, still suffering a slow process to do some paperwork with the bank, looking carefully at budgets and financial planning and we are getting organised as part of our drive to transform into a fully functioning professional outfit.

what’s been going on this week

Boodaville Barcelona are busy with social media – the food forest series continues on instagram (@boodavillepermaculture) and we are catching up to publish posts on the events so far this year – Maranya Festival, Botanical tour on Montjuic, Youth Worker Training on Nature connections (Erasmus+), Youth Exchange Living Vidalia (Erasmus +).

Here at Boodaville Caseres Laura and the team are attending a bioconstruction course at Mas la Llum, the amazing nearby project with a huge strawbale house and tourist accommodation.

And today I’m going to join a conference about Regenerative Futures with Gaia Education, the other collaborators in the project are in person at Findhorn, I missed this chance to visit because I’m busy caring for baby Joanna. Next time…

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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Maranya Fest 2022

Maranya 2022


On June 24th we were back on site at the incredible WildLab farm in Bigues i Riells, arriving in the heat, crammed into the back of Matteo’s party van to set up camp for Maranya 2022. 


At the heart of the weekend was our desire to share with you the opportunity to be in nature and to feel our connection with it whilst exploring living permaculture. We had the chance to spend a weekend experiencing community living, sharing and dancing each night in the dome. Beginning our days long after the rooster’s crows, stepping out into the warmth of the sun and sounds of the surrounding forest. 

We started Saturday morning with a yoga session which the chickens crept into, meditating and moving our bodies in the morning, and then exploring the offerings that our participants had to share.

The permaculture games hosted by Anna and Juanjo brought out our childlike joy, curiosity and wildly entertaining improv performances from everyone that took part.  The vital discussions about soil and food preservation that took place in Sam’s workshops inspired and moved us into new ways of thinking about how we understand and interact with our environment, how we manage our time to create freedom and how we can live in abundance.

We loved the organic flow of skillshares and pop up workshops brought to us: Vadim brought us tea tasting, and brewed pots of tea at just the right times.  A Contact Jam movement session from Yuri. Michela shared her passion for reflexology and holistic healing and the gift of healing massages. Valeria set the scene with a gentle, introspective and interactive self-care workshop to bring us home into ourselves on Sunday morning.


A huge special, sparkling shout out for the team of volunteers (Andreea, Ines, Valeria, Luca and Yuri) who supported the event and helped us hold the entire weekend together.

This year saw us running on very Spanish time with a few more obstacles than we could have planned for which had the team stretched whilst we worked to deliver delicious vegetarian meals to the people. We ate well, locally sourced and organic and had plenty of poolside chilling before the music started. 

My personal favourite part of Maranya is the music, the dancing and the annual appearance of my tiger suit. The line up was very HOT. Thank you so much to our dear Ines, bringing some feminine energy to the team of DJ’s and huge thanks and love to all the DJ’s who got us dancing for hours and hours: Conxenxa, Mathz, Palladium, Son B2B Raul Naro and Just Luca.


And of course, thank you to each and everyone who came to our little festival! I hope that the magic of Maranya carried into the following days and continues to ripple through our lives. 


Much love.

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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Los viernes escribo, pero es imposible expresar la intensidad de las últimas dos semanas.

A few people I love have vomited this week including an old friend who came to visit for an insanely itense 12 hours chatting about life (this is challenging for me as the coordinator of Boodaville and a mother of a 9 month baby I basically just live from one hour to the next). He set off on a crazy bike ride to do 300k each day across the Pyrenees, and ended up sick in a hotel in Sort (The Catalan workd for good luck). I had very little involvement and can only imagine the horror of being alone and sick while continuing to cycle each day and being alone. It’s his birthday today, I hope it’s a good one.

I was much more involved with the other person vomiting – the baby, all over the bed at midnight last night, then again at 4:30. My plan today was to take her to child care, force Kira to do something along while I wrote this, then to go with Kira to the swimming pool and include her in our Boodaville Barcelona volunteer day. Instead I’m at home deciding whether to write this, wash the vomit off the baby (well she’s asleep right this second), tidy the house, hang up all the sheets that had to go throught the washing machine. She seems to be better anyway, and is keeping milk down. So I’d say we’re over the worst of it. 

This week in Boodaville…

I finally published the post about Jordi, please enjoy this memorial and leave a comment if you wish. 

I also managed to finish the graphs for the Boodaville Food Forest Productivity study, and made it a joint project with my budding scientist daughter – she spotted the results that are probably human error rather than strange tree growth! Can you? These will be published with more context soon. 

We had the Maranya Festival, a small and perfectly formed event! Again – blog post tocome soon.

And today we have our Poble Sec tour organised by our volunteer here in Barcelona!! A wonderful personal project to complete before we take a break for summer. 

Next week I hope to be comfortably installed in Caseres with the kids and a routine!


Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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En memoria de Jordi “Domos” Cavaller Badia, Junio 1989 – Junio 2021

The first time I spoke to Jordi was in 2016 when he agreed to design and build us a dome. Thanks to his passion and hard work we turned the idea into a reality in less than a year. He came back year after year to help us set up the dome each spring and to keep improving it. In November 2019 he led the group of volunteers when we dismantled it as part of our process to get everything legalised. The last time we spoke was in March 2021, he had been very sick and unable to walk, but felt that his health was improving. In that moment I felt that the universe would work it’s magic and that it would take the same time for Jordi to get his strength back, as it would take for us to have the permissions and be able to re-build the dome – with the new double layer cover we had been planning to give a waterproof cover and a more effective shade. 

It wasn’t until many months after he died that I heard the news. His health deteriorated again from cancer. 

During the years that we were friends and collaborators he also came and built our rocket stove, he made close friends with other Boodaville folk. He had a special place in his heart for Boodaville, and we loved him very very much. 

I think we still have a notebook he left behind in the desk at Boodaville, and it may be the same notebook in which he drew a design for a dome house he wanted to build on the Boodaville site, integrated with the big rocks behind the house at Boodaville. We talked about this, and many other designs and plans. 

When we can, and when we find someone with the expertise we need, we will re-build his dome, we will realise the designs we discussed together and we will always remember, respect and love him and his amazing contributions to our project.

Last week we went to visit his final resting place at L’Esquirol in Horta de Sant Joan and pay our respects.

Please feel free to write comments and memories of him to accompany this post. 

Jordi Domos Cavaller 

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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Los viernes escribo, generalmente sobre Kate Raworth

Please don’t think for a second that I “have time” to write this. I am struggling in a multitude of ways with parenting, a heatwave, a sore throat (COVID? – everyone has it since Primavera Sound) and interrupted sleep. In fact these crazy entries are part of a wider project to try and highlight how hard it is to be a parent of a child under 5.

Dear Kate,

I want to thank you so very much for coming to Barcelona. I see so much in what you do – props, visuals, knowledge, perfect presentation, involving the audience. A perfect holistic design of how to engage and inspire – and you are changing the world with your work. You had the sun in your face during the talk, on a scorching hot day in Barcelona and then you still stayed behind to say hello and take this photo. I’m happy to be one of the people singing along with you – and your dancing just shows how well you understand the real world. Doing the best thing, instead of the expected thing (in the world of Economics anyway). I agree and value the way that you promote everything from a positive place. After many years around the climate movement I also concluded that yes, the collapse exists and it’s something to grasp and manage (see Joanna Macy to dive into this) but that from an EDUCATIONAL place, and to get people moving, the most effective tool is just finding love and beauty, singing, feeling economics like part of the beating heart of our world. I wonder if you have read the Braiding Sweetgrass chapter on Economics, which I absolutely LOVE. Maybe that could be a help for us here, to design, now that Barcelona loves the Doughnut model. 

After meeting you last week I went to the Aliance of the Donut Economics (our DEAL) meeting with Ona Riera and Marta Cuixart from the ayuntamiento. The group exists, and I hope it can grow in strength and make connections to become an important citizens voice in the application of “Doughnut Economics” in the city. I will support them where I can. I will also continue to teach the ideas of Doughnut Economics wherever I can to get this model out there and really start replacing the awful ones, and driving the paradigm shift we need. 

I wonder about your background –  I wonder how you found your holistic, intersectional vision. There’s not many British economics students I know who would stand up and sing and dance. I found it through many many years of nature connection and then connection with permaculture via the Boodaville adventure. 

Oh, and if you can share the presentation from last Saturday please that would be great, I want to get the graph of all the countries’ donuts, and the hospital image printed out to take them to the festival. Well everywhere I go. 

I look forward to your reply in the comments! (imagine that!!)

Anna Gurney (mainly know as Lou Boodaville)

here is a video of us singing the doughnut in barcelona!

(Correct use of apostrophe this week???? I have two corrections from the last two weeks posts —- 1) both apostrophes last week are WRONG!! 2) I wrote about Kae Tempest refering to them as “she”. This is the whole freaking point, and I initally missed it. We have to make changes too. Non-binary people take their place in the world and we all need to adapt a bit. 

project stuff and crazy ideas this week

Well… I’m still 15 mins away from finishing the Jordi post, and haven’t got the post ready to share the planting 7th May. I have found a new accountant which is amazing news and fundamental to everything else. The food forest productivity study should be happening as I write –  but the heatwave has crashed things. We are excited to start collaborating more formally with the Can MasDeu garden volunteer project and thrilled that they will be inspiring our Barcelona volunteers this year and in the future. 

I hope we pull together the event for 1st July in the garden Hort Font Trobada. We are still just about managing to share the Food Forest story three times a week on Instagram.

So let’s see where we all are next week!

I know—-

¡¡¡¡We’ll be at Maranya Festival!!

I apologise for there being no links at all this week, you can use “Ecosia” to find what you are looking for. I need to get ready to excape Barcelona for the weekend now. 

See you at Maranya!! Happy Sant Joan!! I won’t write next week. 

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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El viernes escribo.. una semana en alcachofas

I am going slower than the Sagrada Familia. I can see the big central tower getting higher and higher. I notice it is June already, but I feel that I’m advancing so slowly with the next steps for Boodaville and Rovira Regenerativa.

I hope, and to be honest I trust, that the rich interactions and the winding complicated road is the correct one. At the same time I am aware that my “to do” list remains 50% not done this week.

As Kae Tempest says – The Line is Curve. I heard an interview with her on a Sean Keavney podcast this week (on headphones while the kids were awake in the back of the car! genius) she talked about being non-binary. I felt really sad when she used the phrase “it’s great that you are successfully male or female”. I’m sure she cringed too when she heard it back. It seems to me like that is the language we need to avoid and actually I’m not paticularly interested in her gender, and much much more interested in her thoughts on connection, humanity and not expecting that straight line towards your goals. I thought about writing her a letter, she’s awesome (one of my favourite people on the planet!).

My list this week included writing a memorial post for Jordi Cavaller i Badia our dome and rocket stove legend who died one year ago, writing up the amazing day we had at Boodaville planting and learning on 7th May, publishing the results of the Food Forest Survey from last year, and asking the volunteers to collect information this year (I did ask them for the info – TICK!), and many more office job tasks like dealing with accountants, volunteer contracts, administration for a solidarity project. 

I should also mention that I was at Boodaville for 4 days with both kids, with lots of river swimming, crying, having fun, feeling like I can’t cope, eating good food, eating awful food, worrying about Jo, being completely amazed and in love with Jo and Kira. The normal!

It may just be that the “to do” list was too long. 

Enjoy the photo of the abundance of artichokes in the food forest in May 2022!

Also – we are still selling tickets for Maranya Festival, we are almost certainly looking for a volunteer, under 30, resident outside of Spain from 1 Sept 2022 for 3.5 months (ignore the dates on the link!)

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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El viernes escribo, pero no hay nada que informar

Sluggish. That’s a good word for right now. It has been a week of boring backwork! Accounts, volunteering administration using the new and frankly not so fantastic “Beneficiary Tool” platform from the EU and a lot of late night hours and whatsapp chat preparing information, promotional material for the festival. I have put pressure on myself to write at this time each week, and that unveils the reality that sometimes you really don’t feel like it! So I’ll animate myself a bit by sharing two exciting things, and will step away from the computer to nourish myself with breakfast, meditation and yoga. 

I love to hate Facebook, but last night it was my ally. I saw that Rob Hopkins is in Barcelona! This led to a few fun things, firstly I invited him to our Poble Sec eco-meet jajaja I’ll post a photo if he shows up 🙂 Secondly I contacted a new friend the lovely Eller Everett, Circular Economy researcher and daugher of Rob Hopkins’ permaculture teacher. She didn’t have any more information about what Rob is up to on his visit, but she did tell me that Kate Raworth is coming to Barcelona on the 11th June! As you may know she is one of my favourite people on this planet (I have a LOT of favourite people!) So I’ll look up the information and share it with you all and hopefully see you there. Barcelona is a wonderful city; a history of anarchism and a future of regenerative urban design!

Interestingly I also have an invitation to visit Planeses, a rural Regenerative Agriculture project with a successful LIFE funding project behind them that day. Two incredible events, one rural and one urban at the same time! Where will me and baby Jo go? 

Information about the event 11th June in Barceloneta

Program for the day 11th June

And I can’t get on with my day without mentioning Maranya Festival – Come and join us 24-26 June at WildLab permaculture farm 1 hour outside Barcelona. I love this picture from last year – excellent book selection including Rob Hopkins of course! 

The wonderful Maranya Festival!! Sign up and come and join us 🙂

:::::: Register here for a ticket ::::::

::::::: Full Info PDF ::::::

:::::: Latest news :::::::

Insta @maranyafest 
join the conversation on facebook 

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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El viernes escribo – Actualizaciones del proyecto y Kate Raworth en Negocios Regenerativos

Last week I came back to writing after a long gap and tried a little self-care experiment asking for some appreciation. This was inspired by the appreciation cards we do for each other on courses – a lovely take away at the end of a hard week, with all the positive comments in one place. This little action worked, and I believe that as well as lifting me, it is a positive experience for all who participated and read the comments. A little reflection time stepping out from the mundane. Thank you so much to everyone who joined in – some real blasts from the past as well.

I am settling in well to mornings without Joanna, and after two weeks am feeling a little more on top of things, the next challenge is to find child care in Caseres village during the summer, finish organising the summer trip to UK – (Does anyone know any nice permaculture projects in Wales that might host us for a visit?) and then the big beast of looking at the economics for the year and how the resources, needs, offers and euros will circulate during the rest of 2022 and then 2023. 

Regenerative Economics

Talking of economics, I am finally finally finishing Doughnut Economics the book – here’s a nice quote, 

Regenerative industrial design can only be fully realised if it is underpinned by regenerative economic design.

What’s said in the book, and the reason it is so important, is that economics underpins everything. That is where the change and most importantly the paradigm shift, needs to come. The economic system (and money) are social constructs and could, and should be tools to make our lives function well. The biosphere is reality and our only home, this is where the real limits are. We can create a new system, within our own household, our own neighbourhood, but maybe not yet in large scale industrial design. How can I be positive when you’ve just told me that the entire economic system has to change? Surely I have no influence over that? Well no, most people don’t have the power to influence a country (and the one’s that do are lying buffoons, and they promote themselves as lying buffoons and somehow that’s popular). We all have influence over something. Looby McNamara talks about the positive life we live if we stick to our circle of influence and work at making it bigger and bigger over time. Kate Raworth talks about talking to people with open doors, and growing that way. Doughnut Economics is catching on, it’s even in IB text-books in schools. In fact that brings me to one of last weeks crazy ideas – if I want to teach Doughnut Economics.. which I do, the perfect place to start would be offering sessions in secondary schools to IB students. My circle of influence, let’s get as many of them as possible writing about it in their exams this summer!

maranya festival – tickets go on sale 1st june

Plans are afoot!! 24-26 June we are having a party and you are all invited. Vianna has been working her socks off preparing the information pdf so you can all find out how to get your tickets! We’ll be at WildLab farm, an hour from Barcelona, mixing up the usual amazing activites, Uncle Jam with inspiring permaculture workshops, relaxing in nature and by the swimming pool, dancing and boucing and smiling, and most importantly the gathering of brilliant people and making beautiful connections. See more at @maranyafest or join the conversation with us at facebook

boodaville caseres

Even though I’m in Barcelona I’m feeling very connected with the Caseres team this week which I love. We are in the geeky process of mapping out and creating a digital version of all the plants and trees in our food forest system, our new strawberry mini-food forest area, and the thyme terrace project where we are scaling up towards actual agriculture. We have over 63 different plants and trees to water by hand, every 3 days.. except not this week because it RAINED!!! The watering by hand serves the added function of observing, touching, learning which is extremely important as we go on learning about how to manage different species in our valley. In the future, when we know better what works it can be scaled up with less of the personal touch – but we will still run a highly labour intensive project in the long-run as part of an efficient, regenerative, ecological design. If the economic regeneration moves along in line with our plan (come on Kate!) then we will also find that machinery, fuel, excess water use become incredibly expensive in euros, whereas labour is valued, and taxed less. 

We are also active on instagram (@boodavillepermaculture) these days, sharing bit by bit, the full story of our food forest project. 

boodaville barcelona

We hold our open Eco-meets in Poble Sec, on carrer Blai in front of the library every Friday 17h – 19h. Anyone is welcome to come and meet us and to get involved in projects in the neighbourhood. We’re planning an excursion to learn about plants, especially edible ones, and especially very very edible ones that can be foraged from Montjuic – with a cooking and tasting session at the community garden afterwards! 

The most exciting thing I saw this week was in the Clot neighbourhood, where I’m mentoring a group of young people in a European Solidarity Corps project. The youth are creating the Green City Lab project, and the huge, ambitious, beautiful and city changing “Hort del Clot” project is being run from the same place. Kait and Julia are the energy and coordination behind this project which has already raised tens of thousands of euros of public money to build a green space/vegetable garden. They are implementing Urban Permaculture at a neighbourhood level, with a reach of thousands and thousands of local residents. Everything they are working on to coordinate and design the way this space works and provides and gifts the community will be shared – open source – for other neighbourhoods to learn from. Our Poble Sec team are very excited to visit them in June and accelerate our own project. We already have the green space, we need the tools to link projects, and different community groups together to create an effective and regenerative whole! They have a sociocratic map / design of the different people and groups which is exactly what I was trying to explain to the volunteers at lunch after a sleepless night a few months ago! It is so inspiring to see and could be a wonderful tool for us. How do we create a structure that encompasses and energises and supports all the networks and groups that already exist?

So let’s see where the next week takes us all. I love my daughters more each day. 

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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En memoria de Rosa

La semana pasada falleció la querida Rosa. Rosa ha sido una persona clave para el proyecto Boodaville durante muchos años. Con su familia tienen un negocio, BioCaseres. Allí gestionan muchos cultivos, todos orgánicos. También son activos en el turismo ecológico con su increíble tesoro el museo del aceite de oliva, así como organizando paseos educativos por la zona.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Rosa en 2018, cuando le ofreció patatas orgánicas a Maja. Maja saltó de alegría cuando descubrió que alguien estaba ofreciendo frutas, verduras y huevos orgánicos y muy rápidamente se convirtió en una clienta dedicada. Así es como una relación de intercambio mutuo de todo lo que puedas imaginar comenzó a beneficiar tanto a Boodaville como a BioCaseres. Alimentación, casas, plantas medicinales, trabajo, conocimiento…

Cuando me enteré por primera vez de que Rosa estaba enferma, me sorprendí. ¿Sabes que hay una lista con personas a las que no se les permite morir porque son demasiado increíbles para perder? Rosa estaba definitivamente en esa lista.

Un invierno fui a despedirme antes de irme de Boodaville para el invierno. Rosa estaba en muy mal estado y marché llorando de Caseres, convencida de que después del invierno se habría ido.

Pero Rosa no. Ella era una mujer extraordinariamente fuerte. La encontré la primavera siguiente frente a su máquina de coser, haciendo cosas hermosas y me mostró las flores medicinales que había estado cosechando. Se la veía delgada y no estaba bien, pero había recuperado su carácter conversador. Me dijo que había sufrido mucho, pero que ahora se encontraba mejor. Todo bien, el invierno ya ha pasado.

Hasta este invierno, cuando su alma chispeante ya no fue suficiente para mantener su cuerpo en marcha. Será recordada con una sonrisa y muy extrañada.

¡Conectemos y regeneremos!