Montjuic, any Friday morning

Back in BCN (OFIW)

Lou is back in Barcelona after 6 months away on adventures. This post is an update about what's going on with Boodaville Permaculture Association.

So here I am, back at my desk for the first time since February, and writing an OFIW post for the first time since.. I don’t know. Things got incredibly busy before the trip; creating that adventure is a whole story, or even a book in the making.

I will publish a post with the top 50 photos as soon as I have the technological capability. And for now – I just hope you can read this post! We STILL have some kind of malware in the wordpress, but are one step closer to getting a government grant to employ a website manager since I spoke to our accountant last week.

So what would a Friday post look like this season?

Well there will inevitably be comments on how I am: Today I’m fantastic because I did some incredibly successful parenting this week and got both kids tucked up for the night by 21:30. This is an all time record and will hopefully become normal. I aim to have evenings and children that aren’t so tired they are like zombies.

Then I think it’s really important to let people know how Boodaville is going, maybe with a bit of Rovira Regenerativa thrown in.

My exciting permaculture / eco activities  would be a good section and I hope there will be many things to report.

Then an important part of any post would be other Boodaville projects – what’s coming up, where we might need participants, ideas or help.

And for my own benefit I guess it would be very useful for a comment on the overall admin of the Aso and what’s occupying my time this week. Ok – let’s give that a shot!

How is Boodaville Finca going? and Rovira Regenerativa?
Thanks to Angela and Jessica who have become regular visitors, and are supporting the overall vision and strategic plan of the association we have an INCREDIBLY tidy and organised space. A few of our favourite Permaculture Design examples have been lost over the years and we are working to reintroduce them. The land is suffering after a very harsh drought, we got 60mm last week — let’s hope for more.
In about a month we should have another nail biting moment when we receive news about our application to run the “Rural Classroom” at Boodaville Finca. If it’s a YES then we are FINALLY absolutely ready to open and start offering workshops and guided tours legally!! If it’s something else then we have some serious issues.
Jessica is onsite right now preparing a winter veg bed, and showing our new volunteers how it is possible to live at Boodaville – water, energy, waste, comfort. Ooh and hopefully making some compost tea as well – with a barrel of whey she brought down from her current home with the goats in Navarra.
Rovira Regenerativa – well there’s no grape harvest, Angela is monitoring the vines, we are planning to keep working to see what happens next year.
The 1000 trees we planted were looking pretty good in June and I’ll be honest.. I didn’t dare go back and look at the end of August. So you’ll have to wait for more info on that.
My exciting permaculture / eco activities

Well I’m reading “At Work in the Ruins” by Dougald Hine and absolutely loving it. I folded down the page about the difference between knowledge – arm’s length facts – and “knowing” which is when we let the knowledge in and it becomes part of our way of being.

I really feel I’m in the second category; and that teaching Environmental Systems and Societies in a white classroom was just knowledge and less wisdom.

And my other most exciting of adventures is an invite to submit a story to Looby McNamara’s next book. This is huge, and a tight deadline. I’ll be achieving one of my goals to share more about the Europe Trip and how and why I designed that into our lives.
And, as someone who sometimes says yes to things now.. I have a teaching gig up at WildLab in two weeks! I’m not sure about the details and have a call about that.. well!
So for more categories and another update I’ll be back next week.
Anna Louise

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