OFIW (On Friday's I write)

I feel surprisingly organised (OFIW)


I feel surprisingly organised (OFIW)

Updates from Boodaville and Rovira this week include news from the vineyard! While Lou has been writing for Looby (hooray!!) and using patterns to plan out the next months.

I slept last night. I fell asleep with Joanna around 9pm and didn’t really wake up until 7am. This is a strange and new sensation for me, and maybe why I feel organised.

Joanna (and me) just about made it through the drama of celebrating a third birthday during the first full week of school. She had some proper tantrums in the classroom, but today, after a walking through the rain adventure, she was relaxed about staying in the classroom.

The third birthday also marked the end of an intense period of moving, cleaning, learning the new weekly patterns of child care and activities. Without going into too much detail I’ll just say that now I know which days I do which kind of tasks, and also my daughter plays the cello.

I really need to by some waterproof boots.

Boodaville finca and rovira regenerativa

Both Jessica and Angela have been at the finca and the vineyard this week. Angela took loads of data about which trees are alive, and how the vines are doing. There’s zero harvest this year! They also got some strimming done to keep the fennel around the vines under control and leave the cut stalks as ground cover.

Jessica, among other things, was planting winter veg in the wicking beds. After a final experiment we have concluded that the larger wicking bed has a massive leak and is irreparable – it lasted 7 years. 

my permaculture / eco activities

I am so very excited to have written a contribution to Looby McNamara’s next book. She said it would be wonderful to include my piece about the importance of “integration” in the design of planning the massive European trip. So fingers crossed it makes it into the book!! I am very keen to speak, write,and make presentations about how I made our adventure happen, and this perfect opportunity came my way.

Last weekend I attended both the BiorNE conference at Mas Les Vinyes AND an asamblea for the cooperative housing project I’ve joined called La Fábrica de la Transición.

At BiorNE I caught up with Sam and drank some Torres regenerative wine with Oliver Goshey.

At La Fábrica we seeded trees in the vegetable garden and met the neighbour who is starting a commecial organic farm on the next plot. We are looking for more families to join the project and come and live at La Fábrica – the next open visit is 12 October.

other Boodaville projects

There is one solidarity project on the go which is Ecologistas de Rio Algars and I have a meeting about our next event.. now!

We are applying for another solidarity project next week – to run from January 2025. We are looking for young people to get involved in creating a community around Green Skills Gatherings at different farms and projects (including Boodaville!). We’ll include a special event where we invite all our ex-volunteers back to Boodaville for a week of fun practical projects and celebration!

overall admin of the Asociation

Well we still have no money and a cash flow crisis. Sorry everyone.

The admin is done to get the money our ON MONDAY! as long as it arrives.

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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