
Diary of a forest day


Diary of a forest day

Diary of a volunteer after a day of recharging in forest.

Text written after a walk in the forest of the Vall de Collserola.

“Curiosity knocked at my door.

She entered alone.

Without asking me.

She pushed the door open.

The door creaked and slammed shut.

It was accompanied by a sweet, cold taste.

It prompted me to lie down in the sun, to warm this spirit that had been asleep for too long.

To awaken this dormant feeling.

This immense, imaginary, virgin expanse gave me free rein to

Both soothed and intrigued

Suddenly, in the open sea, far away, a shadow lightens.

A little while,

a time to be patient.

It was Mr. Cunning.

I called him that because of the mischief emanating from his build.

In the form of a non-formal matter.

He was as he is and I cannot describe him better than he would be.

Mr.Cunning fanned an extinguished and sleeping ember in my home.

Still warm but fresh enough with a sweet flavour.

I could feel through him the desire to rekindle the fire.

In search of a spark.

Mr.Cunning is a much sought-after person :

this curiosity pleases him and it pleases me too.”

These walks in the forest, immersed in nature, always increase my curiosity about life and my surroundings. *

I’m very happy to live near the forest and to have the chance to go there often.

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