
Food forest and thyme terrace (On Friday’s I write)

Spot the plants in this picture : quince, cherry, almond, olive, apple, sugar cane,

Food forest and thyme terrace (On Friday’s I write)

Lou has been at the Boodaville Caseres project all week and this week gives updates from Boodaville's food forest and thyme terrace in July 2022

This week I am able to write because Vianna our wonderful Boodaville Barcelona volunteer has already uploaded the photos I sent her a few days ago. In my 15 minute window between taking some cuttings and planting some seeds at the Boodaville finca, and going to pick up Kira and Joanna from their respective child care I will add captions to the photos to explain what is working well and not so well with our design. 

We were lucky – or not so lucky – to have a huge 48mm storm 8 days ago, so the ground is still humid to a decent level (this is why we are planting cover crop seeds in july !! – to start gettting some life into the new medicinal herb garden the volunteers have created)

I say not so lucky because the day before the storm a farmer here in town commented to our volunteer Fran “If it didn’t rain again all summer I’d be happy”, and because along with the storm was intense hail which has destroyed all of Marc Boldo’s vineyards (and many other people’s farms as well), that’s 15000 euros of income gone, plus the fact that he’s put an incredible amount of labour already into those fields.

These extreme storms, heatwaves are exactly what models predicted climate breakdown would look like. We are living it, and also living under a crazy system where the media are spreading propaganda and taking us towards catastrophe. This week we’ve seen media continuing to support the Tory party – when internationally Britain is basically seen as a failed state right now; we’ve seen the reality behind the destruction of the Podemos party by the media in Spain uncovered (See Pablo Iglesias on twitter – you won’t find it in MSM!) and we’ve seen media ignoring hugely important news about climate (again!)

Anyway, here’s the food forest update, hooray for solutions to desertification and regenerating soil and LIFE!

Sadly the Robinia has died, we are investigating but there may have been 1) a map error and it didn’t appear combined with 2) a lack of a “sponsor” ie noone on site who deeply loved this tree!!!

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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