Rovira Regenerativa

¡Presentación de Rovira Regenerativa en el congreso BiorNE!

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¡Presentación de Rovira Regenerativa en el congreso BiorNE!

Rovira Regenerativa

Rovira Regenerativa presentation at the BiorNE conference!

Agroforestry design for a vineyard

Rovira Regenerativa presentation at the BiorNE conference!

Many thanks to our amazing volunteer Javier Regidor who took our design for Agroforestry in a vineyard to the BiorNE permaculture conference. Read the comments and feedback we received!

The full design in Spanish and English is here


(These comments come from the consultation at the BioNE conference on 5th Sept 2021, and a consultation with the owner of the land on 18th August 2021)

Plant 50% Robinia / 50% Rotondifolia (sweet acorn, indigenous)

In the vinyard the soil is not very deep, the trees can have difficulties.

Think carefully about watering at first – occasional watering through a tube can be a good idea.

Pass by with animals before you start?

It is important to work the vines, pruning etc.

Frosts have fewer bad effects on PLOUGHED vineyards, unploughed vineyards are high risk.

Robinia, or many species of acacias, are prohibited by a forest laws about “exotics” – (speak with the forest agent Angel 682118582)

Recommended instead of Robinia: citisus, broom, ginestas that do not shade the vines.

Better to have un ploughed vines on the north face, so that they blooms later (? Sergi’s comment if we want more information)

Paulownias need a LOT of water.

Contact in Gandesa: Pili Sant Martin – little by little they have converted to unploughed vines.

Have “people” at the center of the design – include local people in the process. Social actors that support the project.

Ideal dates: Finish the design Sept 2021 / Create crowdfunding Oct 2021 / Launch crowdfunding Nov 2021 / 1st Step summer / fall 2022.

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